Hillary Insults Mississippians

Not that we needed any more evidence that Hillary Clinton is an elitist snob, but what she said when comparing to Iowa and Mississippi about neither state ever having a female governor, senator, or representative, proves that she doesn't deserve to be president:

"I was shocked when I learned Iowa and Mississippi have never elected a woman governor, senator or member of Congress. There has got to be something at work here," she said, theorizing it may be the risk-averse nature of a state built around agriculture.

"I think not only do I have to bring people to me, I have to maybe reassure people here maybe more than I do in New Hampshire, which has had a woman governor," she said.

"I think Iowa poses a special burden, or a special obstacle to me because when you look at the numbers, how can Iowa be ranked with Mississippi? That's not what I see. That's not the quality. That's not the communitarianism, that's not the openness I see in Iowa."
(Hat Tip: Politico)

The utter disdain she demonstrates for those she considers beneath her is shocking and should call into question whether, if elected, she will be a president for all the people instead of just those she considers worthy.
And what does "communitarianism" mean? Sounds like Clintonian double-speak to me. Whatever it is, Mississippi doesn't have it and she thinks less of them for it.

The Republicans could probably put the elephant up for president in Mississippi and Hillary would lose but that's not the point. Her contempt for ordinary foik is so profound as to call into question her committment to governing the entire nation and not just the coastal enclaves where her kind of people live and work.

Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

Update: Ben Smith of the Politico covers the "inevitable" outrage in Mississippi.

"Hillary Clinton's comments are a slap in the face to the people of Mississippi and they further underscore how out of touch she is with voters in the South," said Herring. [....]

ALSO: Mississippi Democratic Party spokesman says, "Our official comment is, we decline to comment."
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