American Thinker Blog
October 31, 2007
Obama's foreign policy, via the New York TimesOctober 31, 2007
Missing headlines: leftwing voter fraud guilty pleaOctober 31, 2007
Media establishment buries politician's bad news before electionOctober 31, 2007
Is Syria Targeting Another Hariri for Assassination?October 31, 2007
Taliban Force Surrounded in KandaharOctober 31, 2007
Code Pink Hoax Snares CBS, PoliticoOctober 31, 2007
'Blue dress Democrats'October 31, 2007
Democrats Drop the Gloves in 6th DebateOctober 31, 2007
Intelligence Budget RevealedOctober 31, 2007
All mad 'cept for thee and meOctober 31, 2007
J.R. Dunn on the Dennis Miller Show (with link to story discussed on air)October 31, 2007
Shaken, not stirredOctober 30, 2007
Hillary and Soros and The Blog MonitorsOctober 30, 2007
Was WellCare hiding profits overseas? (updated)October 30, 2007
Connecting dotsOctober 30, 2007
Luxe and LuxemburgOctober 30, 2007
Zero tolerance madnessOctober 30, 2007
Impeach Dick Cheney!October 30, 2007
Lost is a loserOctober 30, 2007
Iranians study nuclear physics in EnglandOctober 30, 2007
Hezb'allah Quietly Moving North - Away from UN PeacekeepersOctober 30, 2007
Poll: Majority of Voters Support Iran StrikeOctober 30, 2007
Nigerians for Ron PaulOctober 30, 2007
The Dumbest Thing Said about Global Warming Last WeekOctober 30, 2007
'Cycle of Dependency'October 30, 2007
White House Names Medal of Freedom WinnersOctober 29, 2007
Welcome Rush listeners!October 29, 2007
Happy Cyrus DayOctober 29, 2007
Romney and Clinton Maintain Leads in IowaOctober 29, 2007
The Absolutely Least Surprising Story of the Campaign to DateOctober 29, 2007
Sarkozy Walks out of '60 Minutes' InterviewOctober 29, 2007
LOST CauseOctober 29, 2007
How Much is that Model Airplane in the Window?October 29, 2007
The Benefits of National Health InsuranceOctober 29, 2007
Lantos Tells Europeans the TruthOctober 29, 2007
Ron Paul Story: Clarification and Partial RetractionOctober 29, 2007
The other curse of the CubsOctober 28, 2007
Liberty, Fraternity, and Bush Derangement SyndromeOctober 28, 2007
Bill Richardson Would Re-Investigate the Roswell Space Alien IncidentOctober 28, 2007
Fierce Battle in AfghanistanOctober 28, 2007
An admirable ayatollah arrestedOctober 28, 2007
Ron Paul Campaign Employs Loony 9/11 TrutherOctober 28, 2007
Chavez Facilitating Cocaine Trafficking from ColumbiaOctober 28, 2007
Relief for Firefighters in CaliforniaOctober 28, 2007
Flag Folders: UpdateOctober 28, 2007
The Forgotten Embassy Crisis of the Carter PresidencyOctober 27, 2007
US Military hands Security Control in Karbala to Iraqi GovernmentOctober 27, 2007
Flag Folders Prevented from Reciting at Veteran's FuneralsOctober 27, 2007
Rumsfeld Charged with Torture while in FranceOctober 27, 2007
State Department to Order diplomats to IraqOctober 27, 2007
USS Cole Bomber Released from PrisonOctober 27, 2007
The next infernosOctober 27, 2007
Immigration reform: Not with a bangOctober 27, 2007
Former Prime Minister Sharif to Return to PakistanOctober 27, 2007
Air America Host Blames Blackwater for FiresOctober 27, 2007
FEMA Follies: Fake News ConferenceOctober 26, 2007
Predicting Climate (updated with response)October 26, 2007
Happy Halloween!October 26, 2007
Prosecutor in the WellCare investigation a formidable figureOctober 26, 2007
Anti-War Films Bombing at Box OfficeOctober 26, 2007
Presenting: The Execrable Ted RallOctober 26, 2007
Ron Paul's Neo-Nazi SupportersOctober 26, 2007
Wildfire Blame Game ContinuesOctober 26, 2007
Filling the Strategic Oil ReserveOctober 26, 2007
Freedom of Speech for Me but not for TheeOctober 25, 2007
SCIENCE: Earth climate is too complex to predictOctober 25, 2007
New Home Sales up in SeptemberOctober 25, 2007
How do you say 'PR' in the Tiwa Language?October 25, 2007
Arson to Blame for Some California FiresOctober 25, 2007
Soros-related firm raided by FBI (updated)October 25, 2007
McClatchy Reporter Steps in itOctober 25, 2007
Al-Qaeda Cracking Under PressureOctober 25, 2007
Administration Funding Request Includes "Bunker Buster" BombsOctober 25, 2007
France's DNA Immigration BillOctober 25, 2007
Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week at BerkeleyOctober 25, 2007
Thomspon's strategy: run against the Drive By'sOctober 25, 2007
Ed Lasky on Fox News RadioOctober 24, 2007
Understanding the Santa Ana windsOctober 24, 2007
Au Revoir TNR?October 24, 2007
Home Sales Drop a Record 8 PercentOctober 24, 2007
California wild firesOctober 24, 2007
NYT pot calls Commentary kettle 'black'October 24, 2007
Cloture Approaching on DREAM ActOctober 24, 2007
Hillary Insults MississippiansOctober 24, 2007
Did Kim send nuke materials to Syria?October 24, 2007
Marc Sheppard on the Steve Malzberg ShowOctober 24, 2007
Ahmadinejad in trouble over Larijani ResignationOctober 24, 2007
Sanctions Give Russian Oil Company PauseOctober 24, 2007
Laura Bush Helping to Fight Breast Cancer in the Arab WorldOctober 23, 2007
New Threats to Bhutto's LifeOctober 23, 2007
Bad News for Holy Land DefendantsOctober 23, 2007
Selective OutrageOctober 23, 2007
Iran's New Negotiator a disciple of Messianic AyatollahOctober 23, 2007
LT Murphy's Medal of Honor citationOctober 23, 2007
Obama hedging on his Iran talks pledge?October 23, 2007
Earth to Media: The 'Failed" Surge is SucceedingOctober 23, 2007
New Bin Laden Tape Begs Iraqi Insurgents to UniteOctober 23, 2007
Nobel Literature Winner: '9/11 Not So Bad'October 23, 2007
South Texas Set to Make Energy HistoryOctober 22, 2007
Holy Land Foundation trial verdictOctober 22, 2007
NYT: 'Ain't That America?'October 22, 2007
Turkish Troops Massing on Iraq BorderOctober 22, 2007
Presidential Election in Lebanon DelayedOctober 22, 2007
Dollar Tumbles to all time low in EuropeOctober 22, 2007
The Rush Limbaugh smear and the Imus factorOctober 22, 2007
Michael Yon and "Resistance is Futile"October 22, 2007
Pro-War Polish Premiere DefeatedOctober 22, 2007
Claws Emerge in GOP DebateOctober 21, 2007
Rush Limbaugh and the Blue Bubble NarrativeOctober 21, 2007
More NYT editorial nonsenseOctober 21, 2007
Richard Baehr in the Chicago Sun-TimesOctober 21, 2007
Kurdish Rebels Kill 12 Turkish Soldiers in AmbushOctober 21, 2007
"Ominous Calm" Reigns in BurmaOctober 21, 2007
British 4-year-old investigated for racismOctober 21, 2007
Obama in Trouble for Scheduled Appearance with Anti-Gay Gospel SingerOctober 21, 2007
It's Jindal in Louisana Governor's RaceOctober 21, 2007
Romney, Huckabee Top Straw Poll at Value Voters SummitOctober 20, 2007
NYT shill-forHill coverage of campaign finance scandalOctober 20, 2007
Martinez Quits Part Time Job as GOP ChairmanOctober 20, 2007
Pelosi Backing Away from Stark's SmearsOctober 20, 2007
Dodd Rewarded for his PanderingOctober 20, 2007
Bhutto Fingers ISI in Bomb AttacksOctober 20, 2007
Nuclear Mistake has Air Force Cracking Down HardOctober 20, 2007
Ahmadinejad Replaces Nuclear Technocrat with True BelieverOctober 19, 2007
No freedom of speech for the politically incorrectOctober 19, 2007
Environmental changeOctober 19, 2007
Russia and IranOctober 19, 2007
Syrians Dismantling "Empty Building" at Site of Israeli RaidOctober 19, 2007
Brownback to Exit Presidential RaceOctober 19, 2007
Rep. Stark's Unhinged RantsOctober 19, 2007
S-CHIP Veto Upheld in HouseOctober 19, 2007
Counter-Protest Against Code Pink in "The Lion's Den"October 19, 2007
What if Turkey attacks the Kurds?October 19, 2007
Bhutto Escapes Al-Qaeda AttackOctober 19, 2007
Curious timing of new 'investigative journalism charity'October 19, 2007
India's ruling party says nuclear deal still onOctober 18, 2007
New Republic Author Gets it Backwards on Al QaedaOctober 18, 2007
Latino Voters and Immigration Reform: A Closer LookOctober 18, 2007
The Reid/Limbaugh Smear Letter: just between friendsOctober 18, 2007
Pakistan Declares all out war against Al-QaedaOctober 18, 2007
'Portents of A Nuclear Al-Qaeda'October 18, 2007
Stunning New York Times video op-edOctober 18, 2007
Deal on FISA Oversight of Surveillance brings Bush a Big VictoryOctober 18, 2007
Turkish Parliament Gives Green Light for Raids into IraqOctober 18, 2007
Bhutto Receives a Hero's WelcomeOctober 18, 2007
Maine School Board Tells 11 year old Girls "It's never too early"October 18, 2007
Breaking through media denial on WW III or WW IVOctober 17, 2007
Ed Lasky and Thomas Lifson on the Rusty Humphries ShowOctober 17, 2007
Indulgences for the political classOctober 17, 2007
Paul Simon, SCHIP, Dr. Redlener and Elian GonzalezOctober 17, 2007
Major shareholder bailing out of the New York Times (updated)October 17, 2007
Deranged McClatchy Story of the DayOctober 17, 2007
Clinton's No Choice PlanOctober 17, 2007
Bribery by any other name (Updated)October 17, 2007
'Auld Lange Syne' And the Iowa CaucusesOctober 17, 2007
Fear, parents, and schoolsOctober 17, 2007
Second Thoughts in House on Armenian Genocide VoteOctober 17, 2007
Oil Prices Climb Toward the Century MarkOctober 17, 2007
Thompson Faltering - Hillary Rising in Latest PollOctober 16, 2007
Modest Increase for Industrial Production last monthOctober 16, 2007
Kyle-Anne Shiver radio appearances Tues and Wed.October 16, 2007
Israeli-Hezb'allah Body 'Swap'October 16, 2007
Democrats Continue to Outraise RepublicansOctober 16, 2007
US India Nuke Deal Near CollapseOctober 16, 2007
Japan Witholds Aid to Burma after CrackdownOctober 16, 2007
Iraqi Shia Terrorists Targeting Polish Troops ahead of ElectionsOctober 16, 2007
Hillary's commitment to the rule of lawOctober 16, 2007
Paul Krugman's inconsistencyOctober 15, 2007
Krugman's theoriesOctober 15, 2007
How to advance the left, tax-free (as heard on Rush)October 15, 2007
Vote in House on Reporter's "Shield Law"October 15, 2007
3 Americans Share Nobel in EconomicsOctober 15, 2007
Responses to CoulterOctober 15, 2007
Wait til next year for a real Nobel Peace Prize?October 15, 2007
Armenian Genocide Resolution Moving ForwardOctober 15, 2007
Larry Craig: The" Bad Penny" SenatorOctober 15, 2007
Confirming a quiet triumph over al QaedaOctober 15, 2007
Israel and Lebanon in an Exchange of Prisoners?October 15, 2007
Ron Paul Wins CLC Straw PollOctober 14, 2007
Challenging the higher education plutocratsOctober 14, 2007
WaPo surrenders to General PetraeusOctober 14, 2007
A poisonous bookOctober 14, 2007
Recreating an eraOctober 14, 2007
Lessons from the latest intelligence leakOctober 14, 2007
Uphill Battle For US Ally in Austrailia ElectionsOctober 14, 2007
Burmese Junta Stages Pro-Government Love FestOctober 14, 2007
Putin Keeps Rice, Gates on Ice Before MeetingOctober 14, 2007
Favorable trends in IraqOctober 14, 2007
Did Israel Target a Syrian Nuke Site?October 14, 2007
South Korean Ransom Money is Killing AmericansOctober 14, 2007
Randall Hoven radio interviewOctober 13, 2007
Oxford to Follow in the Footsteps of ColumbiaOctober 13, 2007
Lebanon's Divided Christian Community Struggles to Achieve ConsensusOctober 13, 2007
Are Democrats 'The Stupid Party?'October 13, 2007
Has Iraq been a true success?October 13, 2007
Some inconvenient numbersOctober 13, 2007
Crickets Chirping at the Times in Response to Medal of Honor AwardOctober 13, 2007
Former Iraq Commander Calls The Kettle BlackOctober 12, 2007
Who will be punished for Haditha?October 12, 2007
Pulling for the EnemyOctober 12, 2007
Army medics save soldier impaled with live RPGOctober 12, 2007
Hypocrisy thy name is Columbia UniversityOctober 12, 2007
Hillary Allies in Media gang up on EdwardsOctober 12, 2007
Burma's AgonyOctober 12, 2007
Al Gore - Warrior for Peace ( substantially updated)October 12, 2007
Some speech is freer than othersOctober 12, 2007
Islam and the Latin American Left - United in HateOctober 12, 2007
The "Perfected" JewOctober 11, 2007
Noel Sheppard on Dennis Miller ShowOctober 11, 2007
Some 'Inconvenient Truths' About Goracle FilmOctober 11, 2007
One Little WordOctober 11, 2007
ISG Redux?October 11, 2007
Al-Qaeda Targeting Sunni Arab AlliesOctober 11, 2007
Marines to redeploy from Iraq to Afghanistan?October 11, 2007
"There was no raid here -- we heard nothing,"October 11, 2007
Kyle-Anne Shiver radio appearanceOctober 11, 2007
Another Saddam family member linked to Al QaedaOctober 11, 2007
Let's hope Rudy has the last laugh on Hillary CareOctober 11, 2007
Brits are armoring upOctober 10, 2007
The good NobelsOctober 10, 2007
Two hours of intelligent analysis of the coming election tonightOctober 10, 2007
Art threatening lifeOctober 10, 2007
How to change the Blackwater media narrativeOctober 10, 2007
Iranian-German Soccer Player Refuses to Play Against IsraelOctober 10, 2007
David Kilcullen interviewOctober 10, 2007
Report: Iran Helped Broker Al-Sadr-Hakim DealOctober 10, 2007
YAF Group Targeted by Campus Administration for Fake FliersOctober 10, 2007
Debate over SCHIP Extension Gets NastyOctober 10, 2007
Winograd Report will Spare Olmert - TemporarilyOctober 10, 2007
Giuliani, Romney Clash at GOP DebateOctober 9, 2007
Democrats obstruct geopolitical strategyOctober 9, 2007
Confederate Yankee, TNR and the Beauchamp AffairOctober 9, 2007
The power of the partyOctober 9, 2007
Eat your ice cream! A case of mistaken consensusOctober 9, 2007
Ed Lasky radio interview todayOctober 9, 2007
Germany roiled by refusal of soccer match in IsraelOctober 9, 2007
Is Belgium Falling Apart?October 9, 2007
It's "The Fred Show" This Afternoon in MichiganOctober 9, 2007
The Latest from our Hero HugoOctober 9, 2007
Dan Rather: By Hook or by CrookOctober 9, 2007
Helping Bush "Tear up the Constitution"October 9, 2007
Dem Thuggery Directed Toward Talk RadioOctober 8, 2007
Internet competition, newspapers, and video rentalsOctober 8, 2007
Happy Government Employees' Day!October 8, 2007
The contest for the Hispanic voteOctober 8, 2007
An un-needed law school finds its constituencyOctober 8, 2007
Brace Yourselves: Al Gore in line to win Nobel Peace PrizeOctober 8, 2007
Look who's talking in the Ohio CapitolOctober 8, 2007
Was the Haditha Massacre an al-Qaeda Operation? (Updated)October 8, 2007
Which party threatens Theocracy?October 8, 2007
Iraqi Reconciliation a Tough SellOctober 8, 2007
When all is not as it appears to beOctober 8, 2007
Bias? What Media BiasOctober 8, 2007
Where are the 'human shields' in Burma?October 7, 2007
Hsu's biz: Side BOctober 7, 2007
Investigating officer's report on SSgt WuterichOctober 7, 2007
Was Haditha a deliberate propaganda ploy by al Qaeda?October 7, 2007
Report: Taliban Preparing an "End of Ramadan" OffensiveOctober 7, 2007
Musharraf Wins Another Term in Pakistan - ProbablyOctober 7, 2007
Blackwater Connection to Clinton Campaign Causing Hillary TroubleOctober 7, 2007
Thompson Surging In IowaOctober 7, 2007
Iraq Shia Leaders Sign TruceOctober 7, 2007
Novak Dispels Some Plame MythsOctober 6, 2007
Where's the outrage?October 6, 2007
Unions supplying anti-war demonstrators at Walter Reed?October 6, 2007
A bit of perspective on BlackwaterOctober 6, 2007
Background on Israeli Syrian StrikeOctober 6, 2007
Media Matters Claims "Non-Partisanship"October 6, 2007
GOP To Go "Back to the Future?"October 6, 2007
Tipping point for Senator Craig?October 6, 2007
Job Growth Eases Recession Fears (Updated)October 6, 2007
NASA Chief: China Will Beat us Back to the MoonOctober 5, 2007
AT editor on NPR todayOctober 5, 2007
Larry Craig, American heroOctober 5, 2007
Children as state informantsOctober 5, 2007
Who is Mr. Hsu?October 5, 2007
"Democracy has been Demoted"October 5, 2007
Larry Craig Will Remain In the SenateOctober 5, 2007
Romney Loans his Campaign Another $8 millionOctober 5, 2007
Neo-Cons and Neo-CommiesOctober 5, 2007
1 in 5 Dems Think "The World would be Better Off" if US Lost in IraqOctober 5, 2007
Obama: A "True" PatriotOctober 4, 2007
Daily Kos traffic overstated?October 4, 2007
Comprehensive article on phony soldiersOctober 4, 2007
Dobson's Mystery CandidateOctober 4, 2007
Britain to Give Gore Film a 'BS' RatingOctober 4, 2007
Bush, Congress in Race to the Bottom in Poll Numbers (Updated)October 4, 2007
Al Dura incident raw footage ordered shownOctober 4, 2007
Mainstreaming HitlerOctober 4, 2007
Saudi Cleric Issues Edict Against Foreign JihadOctober 4, 2007
Jobless Claims Rise in SeptemberOctober 4, 2007
Florida Dems to Sue DNC over RulingOctober 4, 2007
Senator Pete Domenici Set to RetireOctober 4, 2007
Ron Paul's Surprising Fundraising HaulOctober 3, 2007
Recent reactions to controversial campus speakersOctober 3, 2007
Iranian University Invites Bush to SpeakOctober 3, 2007
Making Jena notoriousOctober 3, 2007
Crackdown in Burma ContinuesOctober 3, 2007
Blackwater Probe Ignores their Perfect Record of ProtectionOctober 3, 2007
Bush Approves North Korean Nuke PactOctober 3, 2007
WaPo-ABC Poll Shows Clinton, Guiliani with Solid LeadsOctober 3, 2007
Security Situation in Pakistan Seen WorseningOctober 2, 2007
AT Radio: two authors on air Wednesday morningOctober 2, 2007
Smearing Rush: Duke lacrosse reduxOctober 2, 2007
More Signs of Trouble in the Housing IndustryOctober 2, 2007
Berekely tree-sitters ordered downOctober 2, 2007
Putin's Resurrection of "The Cult of Personality"October 2, 2007
Dems Keep Raking in the Cash (Updated)October 2, 2007
After 7 Years, Israel able to Categorically Deny Al-Dura IncidentOctober 2, 2007
Biting the Hand that Feeds on YouOctober 2, 2007
The New York Times holds a yard saleOctober 2, 2007
Obama: Party like its 1972October 2, 2007
J. Peter Mulhern interviewOctober 1, 2007
Scoundrel time in the US SenateOctober 1, 2007
Bonds for babiesOctober 1, 2007
Troop Deaths Drop in SeptemberOctober 1, 2007
Another Ponzi Scheme Crook Donating to Clinton CampaignOctober 1, 2007
"The Great Game" Turns in Favor of the West?October 1, 2007
Orange Coalition Appears Headed for Victory in UkraineOctober 1, 2007
'The Burma Revolt Is Over'October 1, 2007
Cox and Forkum Take 'Final Bow'
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