The postman always rings twice

Now they have the murderer on tape committing an armed robbery. Maybe the system will work this time and they'll put this animal in a cage.

The audiotape of O.J. Simpson barking orders and making threats as he and a few cohorts held some people at gunpoint in a Las Vegas hotel is direct evidence that a felony was committed.

"Don't let nobody out of here," Simpson is heard saying on the tape, adding, "You think you can steal my s--- and sell it?" (In a society with a greater sense of morality, that's just about what this cretin's memorabilia would be worth.)

According to Bruce Fromong, one of the victims of the robbery, "The door burst open and Simpson and some of his people came in commando style, with guns drawn." Sources said Simpson was irate because he had been informed that an auction house owner was going to be selling some football memorabilia owned by the former gridiron star.

"O.J. was shouting, 'I want my stuff!'" added Fromong.

Whether it was Simpson's "stuff" is now in doubt, according to Las Vegas police. Mr. Fromong told police that the items may have belonged to Simpson several years ago before much of it was sold. Yet the man who brutally murdered two people and lied his way out of it said the items were stolen from him by unethical collectors.

Who would you believe?

As far as the police are concerned, it doesn't matter who owned the property; no one has the right to take the law in their own hands. The killer, turned armed robber, was whisked away in handcuffs and booked on 2 counts of robbery with a deadly weapon and two counts of assault with a deadly weapon, among other felonies. If convicted, he could face up to 30 years in prison on each robbery count.

As expected, his attorney proclaimed: "Mr. Simpson is not guilty of these charges." (Hmm, seems like I've heard that said before.)

According to the macho man, who used to beat his wife regularly before that fateful night when he decided to decapitate her, he didn't call the police to help reclaim his property because he has found them to be unresponsive ever since Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman were murdered.

"The police, since my trouble, have not worked out for me," Simpson said.

Is he trying to say that the police discriminate against double murderers? I find that hard to believe. After serving 3 search warrants at private residences in connection with the robbery, detectives confiscated 2 firearms believed to be involved in the crime. In addition, one man, believed to have been one of the gun-toting robbers, was arrested. Four other men are being sought as accomplices.

We could be in for another high profile court case with Simpson as the star. Will he be able to assemble another so-called "Dream Team?" Well, Johnnie "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit" Cochran bit the dust a couple of years ago. Nevertheless, if another clever mouthpiece can come up with a few good slogans, the Brentwood butcher might get off again.

His defense attorney could say, "If they stole his s---, you must acquit." Another pious platitude might be, "They took his stuff, so he had to get rough."

While all of this is going on, the Goldman and Brown families must be praying that the man who slaughtered their loved ones may finally occupy a prison cell.

The Simpson acquittal in 1995 stands out as one of the most shameful events in our history. There are few with an IQ higher than a fire hydrant who believe that lowlife was innocent. Yet, because of a bunch of simple-minded sycophants on the jury, the savage was released onto society.
I suppose we have to feel fortunate that he's only involved in armed robbery this time, instead of additional homicidal behavior. Simpson has shown how capable he is of using violence against anyone who gets in his way. Most people who had cheated the executioner and earned the contempt of a nation would have laid low for the rest of their lives. But Simpson is a sociopath, if not a psychopath, whose twisted mental state allows him to believe he is above the law. He was right the first time, but, as the famous book and movie proclaim, "The postman always rings twice."  

Bob Weir is a former detective sergeant in the New York City Police Department. He is the executive editor of The News Connection in Highland Village, Texas. [Bob has also published several crime novels - Ed.]  Email Bob.
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