Moveon.Org Slimes General Petraeus

In a sure sign that the political forces in favor of continuing the surge are winning, the ultra-left Moveon.Org has purchased an ad that calls General Petreaus a traitor.

The body of the ad is even more insulting:

General Petraeus is a military man constantly at war with the facts. In 2004, just before the election, he said there was “tangible progress“ in Iraq and that “Iraqi leaders are stepping forward.”
Washington Post, “Battling for Iraq,” by David H. Petraeus.  9/26/04 (see below)

And last week Petraeus, the architect of the escalation of troops in Iraq , said ”We say we have achieved progress, and we are obviously going to do everything we can to build on that progress.”

Every independent report on the ground situation in Iraq shows that the surge strategy has failed.
Of course, Moveon is leaving out reports that say exactly the opposite - that the surge is working in many areas. But why let the facts stand in the way of a good smear?

I didn't think the bozos at Moveon.Org could sink any lower than they did when they compared Republicans to Nazis.

I was wrong.

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