Fracas at Kerry Speech Results in Student Being Tasered by Cops

This story gets more bizarre by the hour.

John Kerry gave a speech at the University of Florida where he opened the floor for questions. After an announcement that the final question was being asked, a student forced his way to the mic and began berating Kerry for not answering more questions.

What happened next is pretty amazing and raises all sorts of questions about the motives of the student as well as basic security at events like this. Apparently, the student tried to ask three questions, getting cut off by the AV crew in the process. This set him off on a screaming, obscenity laced rant where it took 6 policemen to subdue him, eventually having to taser the young man to get him to comply with their orders to place his hands behind his head.

Videoes surfacing today seem to be edited in order to make it appear that the young man was unfairly treated to the cops. But several emailers at
Michelle Malkin.Com who were there and describe the event in full make it clear that the young man was at fault.

Malkin has some links to several videos of the incident as well as a couple on her site as well. And here's a link to the story as it appeared in today's
Gainesville Sun.

To Kerry's credit, he proceeded to answer the young man's questions while also calling for calm following the student's outburst. Looking at the video, you can see why some people may have be thinking that another Virginia Tech type incident could have been in the offing. The fellow is well and truly unbalanced.

Or is he? Some speculation has the student planning the  thing. Either way, a truly bizarre incident yesterday in Florida.

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