Chavez Now Targets Education

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez seems to have an unlimited appetite for power. After recently swallowing up the independent media and bullying the legislature into giving him dictatorial, "President for Life" tenure, he has now set his sights on "reforming" the schools to reflect his socialist ideology:

All Venezuelan schools, both public and private, must submit to state inspectors enforcing the new educational system. Those that refuse will be closed and nationalized, Chavez said.

A new curriculum will be phased in during this school year, and new textbooks are being developed to help educate "the new citizen," added Chavez's brother and education minister Adan Chavez in their televised ceremony on the first day of classes...

But one college-level syllabus obtained by The Associated Press shows some premedical students already have a recommended reading list including Karl Marx's "Das Kapital" and Fidel Castro's speeches, alongside traditional subjects like biology and chemistry.

The syllabus also includes quotations from Chavez and urges students to learn about slain revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara and Colombian rebel chief Manuel Marulanda, whose leftist guerrillas are considered a terrorist group by Colombia, the U.S. and European Union.
It is not surprising when Chavez pulls stunts like this. He has made no bones about overturning Venezuelan society to affect his socialist revolution. But to glorify FARC, the narco-terrorist group that has been trying to overthrow the Columbian government for decades? And I'm sure medical students will appreciate the insights on anatomy given by Karl Marx.

The opposition in Venzuela to this tyrant is still fractured and uncoordinated. No one personality has emerged that could pull them together and face down Chavez. For the forseeable future, Chavez will have the run of the house.
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