American Thinker Blog
September 30, 2007
3rd Quarter Fundraising slows for DemsSeptember 30, 2007
UN: A Day Late and a Dollar Short - as UsualSeptember 30, 2007
Ethanol FolliesSeptember 30, 2007
McCain: No Muslim PresidentSeptember 30, 2007
Canadian Dollar Closes Above US GreenbackSeptember 30, 2007
Gingrich Decides Not to RunSeptember 29, 2007
Back from the deadSeptember 29, 2007
Another Saddam guy linked to al QaedaSeptember 29, 2007
Iran UN Sanctions Delayed Two Months (Updated)September 29, 2007
Death of Rabbit EarsSeptember 29, 2007
A Chicken in Every Pot and $5,000 to Every ChildSeptember 29, 2007
Al-Qaeda Leader in Iraq Killed by Coalition ForcesSeptember 29, 2007
Pakistani Court OK's Musharraf's Re-election BidSeptember 29, 2007
Saffron Revolution Faltering after Violent CrackdownSeptember 28, 2007
Russian Air Defense System Leaves Much to be DesiredSeptember 28, 2007
Top GOP Candidates Shun Debate on Minority IssuesSeptember 28, 2007
Syrian Hand in Lebanese Assassination?September 28, 2007
Beware the phoenix (a poem)September 28, 2007
Clinton associate makes living from evicting middle class New YorkersSeptember 28, 2007
California Electoral College Iniative Appears DeadSeptember 28, 2007
Hsu case figure Winkle Paw goes missingSeptember 28, 2007
Nuclear Power on the Way Back?September 28, 2007
Junta Continues Crackdown in MyanmarSeptember 27, 2007
Soros' Open Society Institute got money from Palestinians and the fedsSeptember 27, 2007
Global warming and freedomSeptember 27, 2007
They have no shame or conscienceSeptember 27, 2007
Leftist opinion editor gets walking papersSeptember 27, 2007
DREAM Act Nightmare Temporarily ShelvedSeptember 27, 2007
How to Fight Climate Change if you're a DemocratSeptember 27, 2007
Ellsberg Predicts "Detention Camps" If we Attack IranSeptember 27, 2007
Up to 8 People Dead in Myanmar UprisingSeptember 27, 2007
Democratic Bluster on Iraq Shown to be Empty RhetoricSeptember 27, 2007
Patriot Act Provisions Voided by Lower Federal CourtSeptember 27, 2007
The limitation of July-August pollsSeptember 27, 2007
Congress moving to penalize the prudent?September 26, 2007
Sage advice from the AnchoressSeptember 26, 2007
The San Francisco Left and the Marines (updated)September 26, 2007
UAW and GM Reach Contract AgreementSeptember 26, 2007
Political Ads Could hit $100 MillionSeptember 26, 2007
Bush Speech Touts Human RightsSeptember 26, 2007
Ahmadinejad at the UNSeptember 26, 2007
Terrorist Supporting Attorney Invited to Speak about 'Ethics" at HofstraSeptember 26, 2007
The 'Saffron Revolution' Gets BloodySeptember 25, 2007
inFOCUSSeptember 25, 2007
San Francisco disgraces itself. AgainSeptember 25, 2007
How do you say 'Rathergate' in French?September 25, 2007
UAW Strike a 'Defining Moment?'September 25, 2007
'Columbia's Choice - And Ours'September 25, 2007
The Left Reacts to AhmadinejadSeptember 25, 2007
Lebanese Parliament Adjourns Without Electing a PresidentSeptember 25, 2007
Hillary Campaign Kills Negative Story in GQSeptember 25, 2007
The Propaganda Value of Ahmadinejad at ColumbiaSeptember 24, 2007
Yes, we have no GaynanasSeptember 24, 2007
Read this!September 24, 2007
Tea leaves on the leftSeptember 24, 2007
Ahmedinejad at ColumbiaSeptember 24, 2007
Bollinger's bosses: Who are the Columbia trustees?September 24, 2007
Olmert Officially under Investigation for CorruptionSeptember 24, 2007
Kos Diarist has 'A Little Crush' on AhmadinejadSeptember 24, 2007
Hillary: Cut Iraq Funding to force 'Change'September 24, 2007
Florida State Democratic Party and DNC Playing ChickenSeptember 24, 2007
Ahmadinejad in his Own WordsSeptember 24, 2007
Columbia University President's Novel Ideas on Free SpeechSeptember 23, 2007
Pinch's nerveSeptember 23, 2007
U.N. Sec. Gen. Suspends DisbeliefSeptember 23, 2007
What did Pinch know and when did he know it?September 23, 2007
Columbia Dean: We'd invite HitlerSeptember 23, 2007
Ken Burns WW II Documentary Will Begin Airing TonightSeptember 23, 2007
The Times Fesses Up about the Moveon AdSeptember 22, 2007
Is Dr. Gary Sick behind Columbia's invitation to Ahemdinejad?September 22, 2007
Proof enough of North Korea's nuclear trade with Syria?September 22, 2007
More harbingers of victory against Al QaedaSeptember 22, 2007
Tales from the NRA convention (updated)September 22, 2007
Rather: when the adversary system isn't looking for the truthSeptember 22, 2007
Castro Still Alive: Cuban People Hardest HitSeptember 22, 2007
Fox to air Petreaeus SpecialSeptember 22, 2007
France and US See Eye to Eye on Iran SanctionsSeptember 21, 2007
Spreadsheet of Hsu's Dem contributions availableSeptember 21, 2007
Hsu is Singing to the FBISeptember 21, 2007
McCain to Protestor: 'We beat you yesterday, we'll beat you today, and we'll beat you tomorrow!'September 21, 2007
Times Reviewer Savages New Ken Burns WW II DocumentarySeptember 21, 2007
25 Senate Democrats Support Moveon Smear of PetraeusSeptember 21, 2007
Dick Morris doesn't like Fred ThompsonSeptember 21, 2007
Baghdad Jim Sides with the Enemy - AgainSeptember 21, 2007
Soros: The man behind MoveOnSeptember 21, 2007
America as a rest stop on the way to the promised landSeptember 21, 2007
Stupid media tricks: Al Kamen divisionSeptember 21, 2007
Al Qaeda's Cry for HelpSeptember 21, 2007
Tax dollars celebrating murderous invadersSeptember 21, 2007
AT editors in two SF radio appearancesSeptember 20, 2007
Voters annoyed and boredSeptember 20, 2007
Bundle Up: The Torch is backSeptember 20, 2007
Lebanon's Governing Majority Goes into HidingSeptember 20, 2007
Dan Rather's roadSeptember 20, 2007
Hsu Faces Fundraising ChargesSeptember 20, 2007
Dan Rather Needs an InterventionSeptember 20, 2007
New Message from Al-Qaeda Targets PakistanSeptember 20, 2007
Ahmadinejad to Defy NYPD and Visit Ground Zero (updated)September 20, 2007
The Beeb finally fires a liarSeptember 20, 2007
Boolah, Boolah: Yale opts for moolahSeptember 19, 2007
WaPo following in the footsteps of bloggers (updated)September 19, 2007
Signs of life for the GOPSeptember 19, 2007
Another Assassination in LebanonSeptember 19, 2007
Why Barack, not Jesse, is the First Potential Black PresidentSeptember 19, 2007
Hsu Boarded the Wrong Train? (updated)September 19, 2007
A Preview of HillarycareSeptember 19, 2007
The 9 Lives of 'Shamnesty'September 19, 2007
Welcome Back Paul Krugman!September 19, 2007
Dems Can't Find Enough Republicans To Help Them SurrenderSeptember 19, 2007
Intense alarm about NoKo nuke materials in Syria (updated)September 19, 2007
Another big Dem donor scandal downplayed by the mediaSeptember 19, 2007
The postman always rings twiceSeptember 19, 2007
CAIR's choice of honoreesSeptember 18, 2007
The GOP horse raceSeptember 18, 2007
Iraqi Government to Review all Foreign Security ContractsSeptember 18, 2007
Fracas at Kerry Speech Results in Student Being Tasered by CopsSeptember 18, 2007
New York Times Drops Its "Times Select" Firewall (updated)September 18, 2007
Latest Poll Shows GOP Race NarrowingSeptember 18, 2007
Foreclosures Skyrocket in AugustSeptember 18, 2007
The return of Rathergate?September 18, 2007
Chavez Now Targets EducationSeptember 18, 2007
Senate extortion racket beginsSeptember 18, 2007
Erwin Chemerinsky loses -- and winsSeptember 18, 2007
Democrats, MoveOn and the Monkey TrapSeptember 18, 2007
The Coming Film 'Kingdom' Calls Out Saudi-born TerroristsSeptember 18, 2007
Surprise Liberal loss in CanadaSeptember 17, 2007
Al Gore, the Next Bob Fosse?September 17, 2007
The grape harvest is underwaySeptember 17, 2007
That Girl (Hillary!)September 17, 2007
Climate change as an excuse to 'tax the [bleep] out of us'September 17, 2007
Musharraf will resign from the ArmySeptember 17, 2007
ElBaredei: International Man of MiserySeptember 17, 2007
Accommodating Islamic practices to local circumstancesSeptember 17, 2007
Blackwater: Banned in BaghdadSeptember 17, 2007
O.J. Simpson 'cry racism' watchSeptember 17, 2007
Putin channeling Catherine de Medici?September 17, 2007
Are You Ready For "Hillarycare: The Sequel?"September 17, 2007
Greenspan Taken out of Context on "War for Oil" CommentSeptember 16, 2007
Harry Reid, Gen. Petraeus, and cooking dataSeptember 16, 2007
How low has academia fallen?September 16, 2007
Creeping DhimmitudeSeptember 16, 2007
Junk NeuropsychologySeptember 16, 2007
The New McCarthyism at the University of CaliforniaSeptember 16, 2007
Excellent podcast availableSeptember 16, 2007
Mukasey for AG?September 16, 2007
Just What Were The Israelis Targeting in Syria?September 16, 2007
Global Warming's Polar OppositionSeptember 15, 2007
Iran and Al QaedaSeptember 15, 2007
Going, going, goneSeptember 15, 2007
Ethanol FolliesSeptember 15, 2007
Benazir Bhutto Will Return to PakistanSeptember 15, 2007
Representative Jim Moran on AIPACSeptember 15, 2007
Rudy Web Ad Blasts HillarySeptember 14, 2007
New York Times Company stock below $20September 14, 2007
Debat Scandal Roils ABC NewsSeptember 14, 2007
Moveon.Org Switches Targets in New AdSeptember 14, 2007
The return of Jew-hatredSeptember 14, 2007
Newt Gingrich on the Future of the GOPSeptember 14, 2007
Obama still not ready for prime timeSeptember 14, 2007
Rudy Demands Moveon.Org Rates to Run his Own AdSeptember 14, 2007
Correlation of Palestinian aid and Palestinian murderSeptember 14, 2007
Falling on Deaf EarsSeptember 14, 2007
Time for Democrats to withdraw from CongressSeptember 14, 2007
Give me your tired, your poor, your sick...September 13, 2007
Hsu's (and Reid's) Searchlight Leadership FundSeptember 13, 2007
Communists threaten to cut support from India's ruling governmentSeptember 13, 2007
Baghdad by the BaySeptember 13, 2007
Hillary and the House that Ruth BuiltSeptember 13, 2007
Breakthrough in Lebanon Political CrisisSeptember 13, 2007
Death of Sheik Risha in Iraq Tests Gains in AnbarSeptember 13, 2007
The Case of the 'Scammed' Former ABC News ConsultantSeptember 13, 2007
The Story behind Busting the German TerroristsSeptember 13, 2007
Sex offenders as the new victim classSeptember 13, 2007
The Obama-Brzezinski allianceSeptember 13, 2007
Bond for Hsu?September 13, 2007
Moveon.Org Got Huge Discount from the Times for Petraeus Smear AdSeptember 13, 2007
Holy Socks! Hillary Hires Convicted Felon Berger as AdvisorSeptember 12, 2007
Protests shut down Indian Parliament four days earlySeptember 12, 2007
Erwin Chemerinsky hired, then firedSeptember 12, 2007
Rosenman and Guilden-HsuSeptember 12, 2007
Spot the missing factSeptember 12, 2007
Did Iran pay for Zogby's 9/11 poll?September 12, 2007
The decline and fall of the New York TimesSeptember 12, 2007
Scandal Plagued Japanese Prime Minister QuitsSeptember 12, 2007
Hsu's $40 Million WindfallSeptember 12, 2007
Minimal Damage (a poem)September 11, 2007
Joe Zawinul: Mr. GoneSeptember 11, 2007
Cleland Leaves Disability GroupSeptember 11, 2007
What Did England Pay to Get its Hostages Back from Iran?September 11, 2007
Jack Bauer Goes to Law SchoolSeptember 11, 2007
RememberSeptember 11, 2007
The Unbearable Lightness of Intellect at Moveon.OrgSeptember 11, 2007
The Fred SurgeSeptember 11, 2007
FDS: Fox Derangement SyndromeSeptember 11, 2007
Sanctions and their suspensionSeptember 11, 2007
Osama Bin Marx and the Real JihadSeptember 10, 2007
Osama tape fake after all?September 10, 2007
Move Over, Move On: The Nation adds Bush to Traitor ListSeptember 10, 2007
Dems digging themselves a holeSeptember 10, 2007
Text of Gen. Petraeus' report availableSeptember 10, 2007
Hillary aide: international woman of mysterySeptember 10, 2007
Moveon.Org Slimes General PetraeusSeptember 10, 2007
Scenes from LondonistanSeptember 10, 2007
The Sleazy World of George SorosSeptember 10, 2007
Thompson, McCain Surging in New Gallop PollSeptember 10, 2007
Petreaus to ask for 6 Months Before Troop Decisions are MadeSeptember 10, 2007
Another Osama Video on the Way?September 10, 2007
Politics as usual in Mass on 9/11September 10, 2007
When Politics Stops at the Water's EdgeSeptember 10, 2007
Of Eagles and Chickens (a poem)September 10, 2007
Dems Step on Third Rail to Vilify PetraeusSeptember 10, 2007
Depth of MSM's credibility problem revealedSeptember 9, 2007
When credit is due, take itSeptember 9, 2007
Big Oil and the Dems' supply of gasSeptember 9, 2007
Louisiana voters rejecting the politics of sleazeSeptember 9, 2007
New ABC Poll From Iraq Reveals Fear, Hopelessness (Important Update)September 9, 2007
More global warming hypeSeptember 9, 2007
'Osama Bin Metrosexual'September 9, 2007
Disingenuous words as weaponsSeptember 9, 2007
NYT celebrates tonsorial freedom in IranSeptember 9, 2007
Facts Continue to Come to Light in Hsu CaseSeptember 9, 2007
Pork by any other name would smell as stinkySeptember 9, 2007
The Truth about SyriaSeptember 8, 2007
Much "A-Hsu" About Nothing?September 8, 2007
Scheuer and Clark: the intell geniusesSeptember 8, 2007
Multiculturalist Slurs SwissSeptember 8, 2007
Feinstein's FollySeptember 8, 2007
Rich Baehr On The Osama Editorial the Times Wanted to PrintSeptember 8, 2007
Osama Tape Echoes the LeftSeptember 8, 2007
AT day at 'Day by Day'September 7, 2007
Former US Senator on terror TV channelSeptember 7, 2007
Accountability for Durham, NC votersSeptember 7, 2007
A Baker's DozenSeptember 7, 2007
Iranian Qods Force Member Captured in KarbalaSeptember 7, 2007
About those Billions of Dead Honey Bees....September 7, 2007
It's Alive (updated)September 7, 2007
Your Depressing Story about the War on Terror for TodaySeptember 7, 2007
The Schumer Without a Country (a poem)September 7, 2007
The 'Fix' in War ReportingSeptember 7, 2007
Schumer airbrushes his contemptible speechSeptember 7, 2007
Here's Hsu! (consolidated post)September 6, 2007
NSA Style Eavesdropping Thwarts 9/11 Anniversary Terror AttackSeptember 6, 2007
Multicultural cul de sacSeptember 6, 2007
Hsu Fly (updated)September 6, 2007
France rejecting arrogance?September 6, 2007
Rafsanjani in as Head of Iran's Assembly of ExpertsSeptember 6, 2007
Dems Already Dismissing Petreaus ReportSeptember 6, 2007
The 'Ramadan spike'September 6, 2007
'Human Rights Watch' Lowers the Boom on the IDFSeptember 6, 2007
Feminist film festival 'horrified' by Israel boycottSeptember 6, 2007
R.I.P. Luciano PavarottiSeptember 6, 2007
Fred Takes the PlungeSeptember 6, 2007
Global Warming Lie of the DaySeptember 5, 2007
Banning Muslim prayersSeptember 5, 2007
The NYT's Hillary college days puff pieceSeptember 5, 2007
Politico's Clinton Campaign CommercialSeptember 5, 2007
Thompson Campaign Still TinkeringSeptember 5, 2007
Terrorist Round Up in EuropeSeptember 5, 2007
Global warming faces popular backlashSeptember 5, 2007
DVD Release of 'Path to 9/11' in Political LimboSeptember 5, 2007
The Fickle Mind of Larry CraigSeptember 5, 2007
New York Times: Iranian ApologistsSeptember 5, 2007
Editor & Publisher column calls for abandoning 'objectivity' stanceSeptember 5, 2007
Shoo, Hsu, Baby (a poem)September 4, 2007
Thomas Lifson on Dennis Miller Show podcast availableSeptember 4, 2007
Definition of Pond ScumSeptember 4, 2007
Hollywood elites keep public off of public beachSeptember 4, 2007
Terror Plot Thwarted in Denmark?September 4, 2007
Bush in Anbar: Iraq's 'Gettysburg' Moment?September 4, 2007
Brits Abandon Last Base in BasraSeptember 4, 2007
The Media's Katrina MalpracticeSeptember 4, 2007
Sarkozy Counters Russia's GazpromSeptember 4, 2007
Who's in charge of your health under socialized medicine?September 4, 2007
Leftists in India freeze nuclear deal with USSeptember 4, 2007
UNICEF, the killer (updated)September 4, 2007
Gray Miller (a poem)September 3, 2007
Ahmedinequeeg?September 3, 2007
Ellison's chutzpahSeptember 3, 2007
Lebanese Army Victorious over TerroristsSeptember 3, 2007
Benchmarks and historySeptember 3, 2007
'Where there is a Mexican, there is Mexico'September 3, 2007
Leftists in India Freeze Nuke Deal with USSeptember 2, 2007
The LAT's porno peace planSeptember 2, 2007
Eclipse of the Red MoonSeptember 2, 2007
Scoundrel Time: More on Arthur MillerSeptember 2, 2007
The Left's Bullwinkle GambitSeptember 2, 2007
An open letter to Sen. WarnerSeptember 1, 2007
Report on Iraq from David KilcullenSeptember 1, 2007
reader reactions to Sen. CraigSeptember 1, 2007
Hollywood Hates the TroopsSeptember 1, 2007
Mugabe Hits Rock Bottom and Begins to DigSeptember 1, 2007
Who is Mr. Hsu?: Part II
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