The British military

The British military have a long and glorious history of having the wrong weapons, incompetent generals and stupid political leaders. That they have managed to win wars only proves that their adversaries were even less competent than the English.

Witness their generals during the American revolutionary war and 1812 , the poor showing against the Boers in South Africa, the disaster in Afganistan's Kyber Pass, the Somme and the Marne, Cawnpore, the sinking of the Lusitania, Dunkirk,  Chamberlain, the deficient mass produced Brown Bess and Enfield rifles. If not for Krupp steel built warships they would have lost at the Battle Of Jutland instead of having a draw with the German navy. Yet they always managed to produce a savior at the right time.

Now that they have  become members of the Euroweenie crowd the option of sovereignty and pride have been removed from the British psyche. In short, they have become French. And in only 100 years after renouncing claims to the French throne!
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