If only humanity were eliminated...

Ostensibly, Marketplace is Public Radio’s broadcast that concerns business and commerce.  I thus found it odd that the producers chose to include a lengthy report yesterday concerning speculations about what the planet earth would be like if the human race were to be eliminated.  Here’s a key interview question from the host of the program, Kai Ryssdal:

If humanity went away tomorrow, how long would it take for carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to get back to pre-human levels of 10 [thousand], 15 [thousand], 20,000 years ago?
Even Al Gore doesn’t crave carbon-dioxide levels in the atmosphere prevalent in the Stone Age. Gore prefers merely to reverse the effects of the Industrial Revolution.  
Notably, the ultra-left, ultra-green Tides Foundation is now a major sponsor of “Marketplace’s” so-called “Sustainability Desk”– a foundation that has received millions from Theresa Heinz and John Kerry.  Perhaps Kerry is trying to stake out an “environmentalist” position even more extreme than Gore’s?  Of course, who will be left to vote for him if mankind is eliminated from the planet earth?
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