August 31, 2007
Foible Follies (a poem)
We all have our foibles, I'm sure.
Some are more foibled than others,
But need we parade them in public?
My average sisters and brothers
Do you think you would turn to politics
If your copybook read like a Novel?
Wouldn't you choose a less limelited life?
Or would you consistently grovel
To constituents, waving a glad hand
With a smile plastered onto your face?
Would turning your family inside out
Be worthy of the race?
Fame has its price, and sometimes
The cost may be worth the pay,
When the gifted leader who cashes the check
Can levitate over the fray.
But unless someone very special
Answers the Country's call,
Please spare us the sordid details
And yourself the ultimate fall.
Mimi Evans Winship