Are There Two John Edwards?
Are there two John Edwards? One who engages in precisely the type of behavior the other John Edwards condemns (works for a hedge fund and then condemns hedge fund abuses, sets up a poverty center that his other self uses as a place to warehouse campaign staffers, talks about poverty in America and the two America's and builds a 26,000 square foot house while the other John Edwards gets $400 haircuts) and on and on...the hypocrisy and the hubris and arrogance he displays thinking this history will be forgotten or never come to light.
The latest? He urges fellow Democrats to reject Rupert Murdoch money and refuse to cooperate with Fox News and states "John Edwards will never ask Rupert Murdoch for money -- he won't accept his money," said Edwards in a statement e-mailed to supporters."
This is barely a year after Murdoch's publishing unit, HarperCollins, paid Edwards a $500,000 advance-and $300,000 in expenses-for his 2006 book "Home: The Blueprints of our Lives" (somewhat ironic given his 26,000 square foot home)
As Howard Kurts notes in his Washington Post column,
"While the Edwards mailing accused Fox of trying to "demonize the Democratic Party and call it 'news,' " he has boycotted the cable channel only since Jan. 23. Before that, Edwards appeared on Fox programs 33 times."
The demonization of Rupert-follows the demonization of Rove, Cheney, et al but not Bin Laden, Al-Zawahri, Ahmadinejad, Chavez...