American Thinker Blog
August 31, 2007
Navy exoneration in 'eco-crime'?August 31, 2007
Prosecution Rests in Holy Land Terror Financing CaseAugust 31, 2007
Left hand, meet right handAugust 31, 2007
Fencing in the tree-sittersAugust 31, 2007
The corruption storyline (updated)August 31, 2007
Fred Announces that he will Announce his AnnouncementAugust 31, 2007
The fund-raising bluesAugust 31, 2007
Hamas' evil Lion KingAugust 31, 2007
Will Craig Resign Today?August 31, 2007
Just Who Is Mr. Hsu? (important update)August 31, 2007
Good news from SarkozyAugust 31, 2007
Abu Ghraib and Gitmo in perspectiveAugust 31, 2007
Foible Follies (a poem)August 30, 2007
The DNI speaksAugust 30, 2007
More unprotected British Soldiers dieAugust 30, 2007
'Brave' artistsAugust 30, 2007
Craig Stripped of Leadership PostsAugust 30, 2007
The perfect candidateAugust 30, 2007
Musharraf Makes a DealAugust 30, 2007
Sumo scandalAugust 30, 2007
Moveon.Org Targets Pro-Surge DemocratAugust 30, 2007
Hillary Fundraiser: Part IIAugust 30, 2007
Bias? What Media Bias?August 29, 2007
Soros-linked group gets fined by FECAugust 29, 2007
Al-Sadr Proclaims a 6 Month Suspension of Military OperationsAugust 29, 2007
Hillary Fundraiser Eludes Jail for 15 YearsAugust 29, 2007
Mexico's President Calderon insults the United StatesAugust 29, 2007
London Editor Prays for Nuke Attack on IsraelAugust 29, 2007
The Left fakes RightAugust 29, 2007
Moody's lowers rating on NYT CompanyAugust 29, 2007
US Poverty Rate DeclinesAugust 29, 2007
Romney Drops Craig from Campaign Like a Hot PotatoAugust 29, 2007
Just What Crime Did Larry Craig Commit?August 29, 2007
Charity Begins Where? (a poem)August 28, 2007
Flight 93 Memorial: Screw You, AmericaAugust 28, 2007
The iron fist of diversityAugust 28, 2007
MSNBC, CNBC Refuse to Carry Pro-War AdsAugust 28, 2007
Musharraf Mulls Over a Career ChangeAugust 28, 2007
Fred's Date with Destiny Slips to October?August 28, 2007
Tehran Agrees to "Cooperate" with IAEAAugust 28, 2007
Taliban to Release South Korean Hostages?August 28, 2007
Will Senator Craig Resign?August 28, 2007
The new acting AGAugust 27, 2007
More on recognizing the Armenian HolocaustAugust 27, 2007
Venezuela buys aircraft from RussiaAugust 27, 2007
The circus is coming to town in ChicagoAugust 27, 2007
AT's Associate Editor Rick Moran on BBC RadioAugust 27, 2007
Another Elian Gonzalez?August 27, 2007
Home Sales Hit 5-Year LowAugust 27, 2007
Israel's kibbutzim jettisoning socialismAugust 27, 2007
US To Sponsor Convention Held By Accused Terrorist GroupAugust 27, 2007
Iraqi Leaders Forge AgreementAugust 27, 2007
Gonazlez ResignsAugust 27, 2007
New York Times plays defense for NASA's HansenAugust 27, 2007
Saudi sets up oil facilities security forceAugust 26, 2007
Kerry misses deadline (updated)August 26, 2007
Iraqi villagers drive-off AQ gunmenAugust 26, 2007
Mark Foley follow-upAugust 26, 2007
Newspaper nostalgiaAugust 26, 2007
A Heartfelt ThanksAugust 25, 2007
Jesse Jackson drops the "R" bomb on LondonAugust 25, 2007
Ethanol folliesAugust 25, 2007
Al Qaeda/Baathist captured in IraqAugust 25, 2007
How do you say 'chutzpah' in Arabic?August 25, 2007
University heads and interior decoratorsAugust 25, 2007
An important and rewarding essayAugust 25, 2007
In a realm of their own: the paranoid leftAugust 25, 2007
Long Island cancels wind farm projectAugust 24, 2007
The floods hit homeAugust 24, 2007
Going green, really fastAugust 24, 2007
Investigator Urges Charges be Dropped Against Marine in Haditha CaseAugust 24, 2007
Cornering the West's energy supply? (updated)August 24, 2007
New York Times Blames Democracy For Iraq's WoesAugust 24, 2007
Global warming alarms not worth their saltAugust 24, 2007
The Times They Are A-ChangingAugust 24, 2007
Are the Brits getting serious ... ?August 24, 2007
Fired US Atty signs book dealAugust 24, 2007
In Iran, 'Reform' is in the Eye of the BeholderAugust 24, 2007
Pace to Recommend Troop Cuts in Iraq for Next YearAugust 24, 2007
Allawi Hires PR Firm To Undermine MalikiAugust 23, 2007
Spinning the truthAugust 23, 2007
Romney Tops Clinton In 'Anyone But' PollAugust 23, 2007
Judicial mischiefAugust 23, 2007
Primary Schedule in ChaosAugust 23, 2007
Labor union calls for Iran boycottAugust 23, 2007
Beware of Fox News and their Siren Calls For WarAugust 23, 2007
Reports of Al-Douri's switch may be prematureAugust 23, 2007
The New York Times vs. History (updated)August 23, 2007
Nicaragua embargoes American assetsAugust 23, 2007
Shocka of the Day: Did Clinton Lie about Targeting Bin Laden?August 23, 2007
Iraqi Science Ministry Official KidnappedAugust 23, 2007
CAIR officials getting taxpayer dollars for schoolsAugust 23, 2007
Media response to 'The Media Mob'August 23, 2007
President of Publishing Trade Group Says Conservatives are DumbAugust 23, 2007
Philip Stott: global warming getting soggyAugust 22, 2007
The worms turn (updated)August 22, 2007
Dems 'Refocus' Message on IraqAugust 22, 2007
The lessons of the occupation of JapanAugust 22, 2007
Call it 'genocide'? (updated)August 22, 2007
CAIR Membership is FallingAugust 22, 2007
Ethanol follies (continued)August 22, 2007
Amanpour's warAugust 22, 2007
Amnesty International now favors abortion rightsAugust 22, 2007
Pathetic powerbrokers (a poem)August 22, 2007
Where is the British bulldog spirit?August 22, 2007
Internal CIA Report on 9/11 Released (updated)August 22, 2007
Al-Qaeda Computer Expert FreedAugust 22, 2007
San Francisco's political theatre of the absurdAugust 21, 2007
ADL's curious indifference ends on Armenian genocideAugust 21, 2007
Threat of another Prague SpringAugust 21, 2007
President or Bust for McCain?August 21, 2007
Category 5 Dean Slams into MexicoAugust 21, 2007
Chavez moves the clock forwardAugust 21, 2007
Geo-politics and the credit marketAugust 21, 2007
Hillary Speaks out of Both Sides of her Mouth on IraqAugust 21, 2007
New York Times spins straw from goldAugust 21, 2007
Obama on CubaAugust 21, 2007
Levin Demands Maliki's OusterAugust 21, 2007
What is going on with "24?" (major update)August 21, 2007
More military digital shenanigansAugust 21, 2007
Calling out the global warming alarmistsAugust 21, 2007
Jane Fonda Feminist Radio Network TanksAugust 20, 2007
Members of an unidentified political party bear responsibilityAugust 20, 2007
News service or press release?August 20, 2007
Higher education executives want the best of both worldsAugust 20, 2007
A Peek at What General Petreaus's Report Might Look LikeAugust 20, 2007
The New Republic's response to Scott BeauchampAugust 20, 2007
Iran Shelling Kurdish Villages in IraqAugust 20, 2007
Dean Grazes Jamaica: Barrels Toward MexicoAugust 20, 2007
The kids questionAugust 20, 2007
'Sanctuary' Activist DeportedAugust 20, 2007
Obama not on the Short List for Hillary's VeepAugust 20, 2007
Putin Whitewashing Russian HistoryAugust 19, 2007
Speaking of phobias (updated)August 19, 2007
Obama campaign retreats in the face of gaffesAugust 19, 2007
Zimbabwe Collapse "In Four Months"August 19, 2007
Ethanol Follies: Go Green by Burning Gas and Planting a TreeAugust 19, 2007
Sad TruthAugust 19, 2007
Iraq Stock Exchange up 64% This YearAugust 18, 2007
Hurricane Dean May Threaten US Gulf Coast (Updated 8/19)August 18, 2007
Hijackers Surrender in TurkeyAugust 18, 2007
Report: Don't Neglect Homegrown JihadistsAugust 18, 2007
Iraq Troop Drawdown Likely Next YearAugust 18, 2007
UK campaign for armor may be saving livesAugust 17, 2007
Global climate models fail yet another reality checkAugust 17, 2007
Free speech and the University of MarylandAugust 17, 2007
Canada's 'universal' health careAugust 17, 2007
'Sorry we ate your forefathers'August 17, 2007
Bank Panic Hits CountrywideAugust 17, 2007
More Jaw Dropping Hypocrisy from EdwardsAugust 17, 2007
Stocks Surge on Fed ActionAugust 17, 2007
Padilla II: The Times Speaks OutAugust 17, 2007
Padilla Guilty on All ChargesAugust 16, 2007
The British militaryAugust 16, 2007
Relics of a 'beloved' leaderAugust 16, 2007
Big Political Changes Coming to Iraq?August 16, 2007
We're all Allah's Children (updated)August 16, 2007
Washington Post distorts global warming reportAugust 16, 2007
Has Fred Thompson Waited Too Long?August 16, 2007
The ADL's curious indifference to the Armenian genocideAugust 16, 2007
The NYT and the IRGAugust 16, 2007
Seymour Hersh and His Lebanon FablesAugust 16, 2007
The 30-second Giuliani v. Clinton commercial that practically writes itselfAugust 15, 2007
When dullards run enemy propaganda (updated)August 15, 2007
The Ethanol Follies (a continuing series)August 15, 2007
Immigration Agents Selling Out America To TerroristsAugust 15, 2007
Will Petreaus Call For a 'Pullback?'August 15, 2007
How MSNBC sees our troopsAugust 15, 2007
Hugo Chavez: President for Life?August 15, 2007
Iranian Rev Guards to be Labeled "Terrorists"August 15, 2007
AP Gives an Assist to ObamaAugust 15, 2007
The truly invisible (updated)August 15, 2007
Global warming 'masked'?August 15, 2007
NASA's global warming misinformation needs full retractionAugust 15, 2007
Farewell, Rove?August 14, 2007
Russia bombing incident in Georgia and NATOAugust 14, 2007
Cover-up in Columbus?August 14, 2007
Bare-knuckled bias at the NYTAugust 14, 2007
The academic boycott absentees (correction)August 14, 2007
Tears and Jeers For RoveAugust 14, 2007
Der Spiegel Wakes UpAugust 14, 2007
Report: US Forces Poised to Strike Bases in PakistanAugust 14, 2007
Time Out!August 13, 2007
Charity starts at homeAugust 13, 2007
Torturing cats on Hamas TV for kidsAugust 13, 2007
Controlling People, Controlling WeatherAugust 13, 2007
Wars Aren't TV Shows to Be Cancelled When the Public Gets BoredAugust 13, 2007
Rove II: Reaction from Right and LeftAugust 13, 2007
GOP To Do YouTubeAugust 13, 2007
Liberal Profs Give More to Politics than ExxonAugust 13, 2007
War on Terror in the PhilippinesAugust 13, 2007
Ames Fallout Claims a CandidateAugust 13, 2007
Farewell, Karl RoveAugust 12, 2007
Kos Being 'Mainstreamed' by Liberal MediaAugust 12, 2007
Two Korean Hostages to be released by TalibanAugust 12, 2007
Shocking Revelations of Liberal Bias at BBC - NOTAugust 12, 2007
It's Romney in IowaAugust 12, 2007
His Smartness, Liberali Maximallus (a poem)August 11, 2007
Kos Kounting?August 11, 2007
Intifada in New YorkAugust 11, 2007
Dirty Bomb Plot in New York City?August 11, 2007
Draft Talk and Other SillinessAugust 11, 2007
The New York Times Whitewashes Another Islamic ExtremistAugust 11, 2007
Ethanol FolliesAugust 11, 2007
Reuel Marc Gerecht on ObamaAugust 10, 2007
Freeman Dyson joins GlobWarm skepticsAugust 10, 2007
More Reuters photo fraud uncovered (updated)August 10, 2007
Obama reelingAugust 10, 2007
The US-Iran War ContinuesAugust 10, 2007
What goes around....August 10, 2007
Sowell: Blame Pols for Sub-Prime CrisisAugust 10, 2007
Kristol Back From IraqAugust 10, 2007
The 'Bear' is back in the airAugust 10, 2007
Times they are a changing, eh?August 10, 2007
Charges dropped against 2 more Marines in Haditha caseAugust 10, 2007
Just What We Need: Another 9/11August 10, 2007
Krauthammer on BeauchampAugust 9, 2007
Revised Temp Data Reduces Global Warming FeverAugust 9, 2007
Smearing FredAugust 9, 2007
South Korean Hostages: Day 21August 9, 2007
Congressman calls for Hearings on Islamic-Mexican Drug Gang ConnectionsAugust 9, 2007
Kos Ally Fined $30,000 for Illegal Stock ToutingAugust 9, 2007
A Summer Session for Congress?August 9, 2007
John Edwards and Kofi Annan: Peas in a PodAugust 9, 2007
CAIR Part of Radical Group Allied With PalestiniansAugust 9, 2007
Harry 'The Surge Has Failed' Reid Facing Dem Revolt On IraqAugust 9, 2007
New York Times Co: The big squeeze continuesAugust 9, 2007
A productive global warming propaganda factoryAugust 8, 2007
Forbes Magazine on Rupert vs PinchAugust 8, 2007
How to fight a propaganda war against AmericaAugust 8, 2007
Here We Go AgainAugust 8, 2007
Media Picks Up On Beauchamp CaperAugust 8, 2007
"Intifada" Comes to BrooklynAugust 8, 2007
Hypocrisy on Obama's Foreign Policy TeamAugust 8, 2007
Enough Already, Barack! We Get It!August 8, 2007
New Report Calls for Long Term Commitment in IraqAugust 8, 2007
From the Book of Double-Think (updated)August 7, 2007
Russian Bomb Dropped on GeorgiaAugust 7, 2007
Vegan parents starve children (updated)August 7, 2007
Good Economic News is No News to the MSMAugust 7, 2007
The Balkan quagmireAugust 7, 2007
Big Labor Says Jump: Will Hillary Ask 'How High?'August 7, 2007
AT writers on-web today (corrected)August 7, 2007
Trouble For Fred Thompson?August 7, 2007
Democrats Bushitlerized?August 7, 2007
ACLU and public funding for Muslim foot baths (updated)August 7, 2007
Farewell and Adieu Scott BeauchampAugust 6, 2007
YKos Attendees Lacked DiversityAugust 6, 2007
Shades of Salman RushdieAugust 6, 2007
Another Coat of Whitewash at the TimesAugust 6, 2007
Response to Allan Nadel's article (updated with author's response)August 6, 2007
Is al-Qaeda on the loose in US?August 6, 2007
Barone Says Opinion "Shifting" on WarAugust 6, 2007
FISA leak investigation:An interesting Development (important update)August 6, 2007
Movies at warAugust 6, 2007
Poisoned Penns (a poem)August 5, 2007
The return of 'The Eternal Jew'?August 5, 2007
'How to bend the truth'August 5, 2007
Their own 'facts'August 5, 2007
Anti-Israeli Rant in New York Times MagazineAugust 5, 2007
Obama: An Agent of "Change" in Foreign PolicyAugust 5, 2007
BDS And The Washington PostAugust 4, 2007
Bending the truth to slur Orthodox JewsAugust 4, 2007
E.J. Dionne Defends KosAugust 4, 2007
New York Times on FISA ReformAugust 4, 2007
Thus Speaks The Tolerant LeftAugust 3, 2007
Are There Two John Edwards?August 3, 2007
Iraq video, unfilteredAugust 3, 2007
More on the Society of Environmental JournalistsAugust 3, 2007
Two Views of Our MilitaryAugust 3, 2007
Judge OKs CIA restriction on Plame's book (updated)August 3, 2007
House Dems Dirty Tricks Force Republican Walkout (updated)August 3, 2007
Is he serious?August 3, 2007
Obama takes himself out of the runningAugust 3, 2007
The tragedy of 'environmental injustice'August 2, 2007
J.R. Dunn radio appearanceAugust 2, 2007
The Ethanol Follies: latest victim is CloroxAugust 2, 2007
Missing Headlines: Chirac's Watergate deepensAugust 2, 2007
What Was That About Pots and Kettles?August 2, 2007
Fred Thompson on Judge SouthwickAugust 2, 2007
Leftist dementia: Blaming Bush & GOP for Minneapolis Bridge CollapseAugust 2, 2007
Bipolar Barack?August 2, 2007
Fix FISA NOW!August 1, 2007
Thomas Lifson on Dennis Miller Show ThursdayAugust 1, 2007
Greenhouse gasAugust 1, 2007
DOJ:Journalists Can Be Prosecuted for Publishing Classified InformationAugust 1, 2007
Russians Will Claim North Pole For MoscowAugust 1, 2007
Consumer Confidence Soars in JulyAugust 1, 2007
Obama's erratic international stanceAugust 1, 2007
Gutting Good WillAugust 1, 2007
The NYT goes after the Chief JusticeAugust 1, 2007
Is Daily Kos Really A 'Hate Site'?August 1, 2007
If only humanity were eliminated...August 1, 2007
Real tortureAugust 1, 2007
Kyl: With Iran it is either the 1930s or 1980sAugust 1, 2007
Frederick Chiaventone interview
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