We need hearings on Justice Breyer's conduct

Bravo to Clarice Feldman for pointing up the hypocrisy behind Justice Breyer's complaints about his colleagues to members of the Judiciary Committee.  One minor quibble.  The article ends:

The Judiciary Committee and American people deserve better than this clown show.
Not only do the American people deserve better from the Judiciary Committee--they also deserve better from a Supreme Court Justice.  The Judiciary Committee could begin to redeem itself by holding hearings on the propriety of Justice Breyer's behavior to make it clear to him just what standards of conduct the American people should be able to expect from a Supreme Court Justice. 

Justice Breyer has unquestionably compromised his effectiveness on the Court by transforming his relationship with his fellow Justices into an overtly political relationship.  He has destroyed any basis for trust and comity with his colleagues by his disingenuousness, which Mrs. Feldman has amply demonstrated.  Justice Breyer owes an apology not only to his fellow Justices but also to the American people for betraying their trust that Justices of the Supreme Court will rise above such petty and underhanded behavior.

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