More British Union Idiocy

Following on the heels of the preposterous academics' boycott of Israel, the British transport union has followed suit:

The British Transport and General Workers Union (T&G) has decided to launch a consumer boycott on products made in Israel, protest Israel's policies and trigger sanctions against it. T&G is one of the United Kingdom's largest trade unions, representing some 800,000 workers.

The decision was made during a meeting held over the weekend in Brighton, about a month after another British trade union, UNISON, also decided to launch an economic boycott on Israel, and after the University and College Union's voted in favor of considering a boycott of Israeli academics and institutions.

According to the union, the decision was made "in protest of Israel's treatment of the Palestinian people." It declared its hope that Israel would be forced, like South Africa, to halt its policies following a widespread economic boycott. "We are working to free the Palestinian people from the Israeli war machine," the union said.

Union leader Eric McDonald was quoted by the British press as saying that Israeli behavior was often not different from that of the Nazis.
Has the left ever found totalitarian monsters it could not make league with?

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