LAT Airbrushes Lies in Fred Thompson Story

Bloggers noted some whoppers in the Los Angeles Times report that Fred Thompson lobbied for pro-abortionists. The paper responds, not by correcting or retracting the story or even acknowledging that certain aspects of it simply cannot comport with the simply is airbrushing out the demonstrably false aspects of the report undoubtedly to keep the entire account from being tossed out as not credible..

The entire story seems implausible and Kathryn Lopez apptovingly quotes a sharp -eyed reader:
"...if the abortion group isn't willing to produce the invoices they paid the law firm (which will have every [bad word]ing lawyer's name on the bill), they should go to hell."
So should the LAT, which is being less than forthright with its readers for not having adequately checked out the claim and then playing games to keep its readers from making a reasoned judgment on its probity.

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