American Thinker Blog
July 31, 2007
The Fantasy of an Informed ElectorateJuly 31, 2007
New York Times Silent on Democratic CorruptionJuly 31, 2007
letter from Cuba (it says, but we can't verify)July 31, 2007
Which Party is the Most Partisan In Congress?July 31, 2007
Defender of Pork in Trouble with the FBIJuly 31, 2007
Obama still not ready for prime timeJuly 31, 2007
Harry Potter, Zionist plotterJuly 31, 2007
Vanity Fair Savages Judith GiulianiJuly 31, 2007
It's all about race....July 31, 2007
Key Iranian Leader DiesJuly 31, 2007
The NYT hedges its betsJuly 30, 2007
Spot the missing wordJuly 30, 2007
The NAACP's Michael Vick Double StandardJuly 30, 2007
Hyperwhite?July 30, 2007
The Great Koran Flush CaperJuly 30, 2007
A Kinder, Gentler, HamasJuly 30, 2007
Oh! You Mean THAT HitlerJuly 30, 2007
GOP Lags in Fundraising, Internet SavvyJuly 30, 2007
We need hearings on Justice Breyer's conductJuly 30, 2007
A tale of two papers (continued)July 30, 2007
The censorship cabal?July 30, 2007
US alleged to already be talking to HamasJuly 29, 2007
Will hell-for-Hill break out? (updated)July 29, 2007
Swedish DA wants to ban alcohol on flights to SwedenJuly 29, 2007
A bogus strory (updated)July 29, 2007
The New York Times and Partisan Book ReviewersJuly 28, 2007
Not Even a ContestJuly 28, 2007
John Edwards: Too Paranoid to be PresidentJuly 28, 2007
Obama Calls Hazleton Ruling a VictoryJuly 28, 2007
What does the Pew poll actually tell us?July 28, 2007
Big Arms Sale to the Saudis and Other Allies in the WorksJuly 28, 2007
Dissenting from the enforced Palestinian 'consensus'July 28, 2007
Response to Julia GorinJuly 28, 2007
J.R. Dunn "Surge" article picked-upJuly 28, 2007
NYT's ridiculous editorial on HazletonJuly 28, 2007
AT server interruptionJuly 27, 2007
Qatari 'royalty' thrown off British Airways flightJuly 27, 2007
White House Conference Call on Executive PrivilegeJuly 27, 2007
More Hypocrisy from EdwardsJuly 27, 2007
Democrats should pay attentionJuly 27, 2007
Iraqi armed forces turn to China while Pentagon dithersJuly 27, 2007
NYT as plaything of rich libsJuly 27, 2007
GOP To Duck YouTube Debate?July 27, 2007
Islamist rule in TurkeyJuly 27, 2007
Rotten ACORNJuly 27, 2007
Rudy Would Benefit From McCain CollapseJuly 27, 2007
Ode to Lindsay Lohan (a poem)July 26, 2007
Herb Meyer on NPRJuly 26, 2007
BBC: Bush's Grandfather Planned White House CoupJuly 26, 2007
Good Old Fashioned Supreme Court PackingJuly 26, 2007
Obama Rules Border Security "Not Germane" To Homeland SecurityJuly 26, 2007
Scott Thomas Revealed (updated)July 26, 2007
Hollywood Explodes With Anti-War VenomJuly 26, 2007
The perfect justice of Sharia strikes againJuly 26, 2007
Legos: capitalist toolsJuly 26, 2007
Two new carriers for the Royal NavyJuly 26, 2007
John Doe Intimidation is Dead - Long Live the KingJuly 25, 2007
A Decline in Public Support For Suicide BombingJuly 25, 2007
Taliban Execute HostageJuly 25, 2007
Say Cheeeeeese....July 25, 2007
Saudis in the ClassroomJuly 25, 2007
Dirty Politics in AlbanyJuly 25, 2007
Dear New Republic...July 25, 2007
Workers of the world, uniteJuly 25, 2007
J.R. Dunn on the WarJuly 24, 2007
Herbert E. Meyer on NPRJuly 24, 2007
Former Gitmo Inmate Blows Himself UpJuly 24, 2007
New York Times Covering the Scott Thomas SagaJuly 24, 2007
Why The Democrats are Ducking Fox NewsJuly 24, 2007
The Left's Flip on the Evil of GenocideJuly 24, 2007
Phone Report By Michael Yon from IraqJuly 24, 2007
UNIFIL and their Hezb'allah Security BlanketJuly 24, 2007
Will Spitzer Appoint a Special Prosecutor?July 24, 2007
Silencing the Voice of America?July 24, 2007
'British Police Go to Hell'July 23, 2007
Saddam loyalists by the hundreds working with Al QaedaJuly 23, 2007
Iraq: Progress from the Bottom UpJuly 23, 2007
More Cultural Relativism From The TimesJuly 23, 2007
Irony Piled On Top Of AbsurdityJuly 23, 2007
Obama "Walks the Walk" on Supporting Illegal ImmigrationJuly 23, 2007
Hillary Retains Wide Lead Over ObamaJuly 23, 2007
Wonkette a Jew-hater?July 23, 2007
Expect a Tet-style offensive around the Petraeus Report in Sept.July 23, 2007
Does Hugo Chavez understand irony?July 23, 2007
No WordsJuly 23, 2007
CIA sabotage: Rowan Scarborough has the goodsJuly 22, 2007
Dubai (Air)PortsJuly 22, 2007
Tip-toeing around the biasJuly 22, 2007
Response by Clifton Hicks to Ray Robison (updated)July 22, 2007
Tactical change in IraqJuly 22, 2007
Sanctions economic incompetence = trouble for IranJuly 22, 2007
Jewish Access to holy sites during 'tolerant' Muslim ruleJuly 22, 2007
CIA folliesJuly 22, 2007
TIME shows its military expertiseJuly 22, 2007
Arab genocide in Darfur (continued)July 22, 2007
Secret Agent Ma'am (a poem)July 21, 2007
NYT op-ed: Israel should give Hezb'allah what it wantsJuly 21, 2007
'Experts' get facts wrongJuly 21, 2007
The Sufi 'moderate' Al-GhazaliJuly 21, 2007
A tale of two liberal papersJuly 21, 2007
NYT more concerned with Harry Potter leaks than national secuirty leaksJuly 21, 2007
Bin Laden and the Baluchistan ConnectionJuly 20, 2007
Surging success in IraqJuly 20, 2007
Remember General Wayne A. DowningJuly 20, 2007
Those Cuddly, Fuzzy TerroristsJuly 20, 2007
Surge in Iraq Stock Exchange continuesJuly 20, 2007
John Edwards: A Liability to Ending PovertyJuly 20, 2007
Krauthammer: 20% Is Better Than NothingJuly 20, 2007
Who is TNR's mysterious author 'Scott Thomas'? (Updated)July 20, 2007
Cheney=Ahmadinejad: UpdateJuly 20, 2007
The earth shook (updated)July 20, 2007
Why the anxiety?July 20, 2007
Earmarking Murtha (continued)July 19, 2007
Plame flames out (updated)July 19, 2007
Is TNR having a Mary Mapes moment?July 19, 2007
Rick Moran and Ed Morrissey webcastJuly 19, 2007
The media whitewash of Arabs' genocide against blacks in DarfurJuly 19, 2007
Dems lob a softball slow and over the plateJuly 19, 2007
Obama and His Socialist AgendaJuly 19, 2007
Al Gore: from politics to 'consciousness' (updated)July 19, 2007
Bush=Hitler. But Does Cheney=Ahmadinejad?July 19, 2007
The Times' Orwellian Dance With LanguageJuly 19, 2007
Obama's Radical Ideas on Sex Education (updated)July 19, 2007
'Environmental racism' - another liberal great white lieJuly 19, 2007
Rush for peace now? (a poem)July 18, 2007
Arrivederci, Alitalia?July 18, 2007
Earmarking MurthaJuly 18, 2007
Terrible air crash in São PauloJuly 18, 2007
Dems are 'Monumentally shortsighted'July 18, 2007
Important Leader of Islamic State Of Iraq CapturedJuly 18, 2007
WaPo Looks at Rudy, Sees NixonJuly 18, 2007
Successful military ops in Iraq increasing (updated)July 18, 2007
General Wayne A. Downing, R.I.P (updated)July 18, 2007
The NY Times Blindspot on IranJuly 18, 2007
"Take the Gun. Leave the Cannolis."July 18, 2007
Ever see a drowned polar bear?July 17, 2007
Hillary creates appearance of paying for endorsementJuly 17, 2007
More facts on the Libby Case seep out (updated)July 17, 2007
Musharraf Goes To WarJuly 17, 2007
Politico tries to "Feminize" RomneyJuly 17, 2007
Pay No Attention To Those Mullahs Behind The Curtain...July 17, 2007
Another Major Offensive Against Al-Qaeda In IraqJuly 17, 2007
Court Decision Could Aid AIPAC DefendantsJuly 17, 2007
Arafat, AIDS and Malevolent NarcissismJuly 17, 2007
The Involunteers (a poem)July 16, 2007
BBC allows anti-Semitic posting to remain on websiteJuly 16, 2007
The Arrogance of Malloch BrownJuly 16, 2007
Signatures, but little money for Gore? (updated)July 16, 2007
Haven't These Guys Heard Of Air Conditioning?July 16, 2007
Atheists and Difference in Kind (updated)July 16, 2007
With Friends Like These...July 16, 2007
Thompson and the Religious RightJuly 16, 2007
How Many Politicians Does It Take To Change a Light Bulb?July 16, 2007
Osama is in re-runsJuly 16, 2007
Stand Strong (a poem)July 15, 2007
Paul Shlichta on Dennis Miller LiveJuly 15, 2007
Change comes to American ThinkerJuly 15, 2007
Race and Diversity: Surprise!July 15, 2007
The Conrad Black guilty verdict travestyJuly 15, 2007
A seer's predictionsJuly 15, 2007
NYT editorial on terrorism and the lawJuly 15, 2007
I feel pretty, oh so pretty...July 15, 2007
Below The Radar, Afghanistan Is SinkingJuly 15, 2007
The Sun matters!July 15, 2007
A crocus in IraqJuly 15, 2007
'Excellence' according to educratsJuly 15, 2007
Dutch cabinet minister: Netherlands will be IslamicJuly 15, 2007
"Gorgeous George" Suspended From ParliamentJuly 14, 2007
Is the US No Place to Do Business?July 14, 2007
Iran Arrests 14 Squirrels For SpyingJuly 14, 2007
Proposed solution to the CO2 'problem'July 14, 2007
Lebanese Dialogue Underway In ParisJuly 14, 2007
No party label for Democrat scandalsJuly 13, 2007
Another Black Day for JusticeJuly 13, 2007
Obama hires felonious activist to teach campaign volunteersJuly 13, 2007
Al Qaeda media center in IraqJuly 13, 2007
Something hopefulJuly 13, 2007
Blinded by hatredJuly 13, 2007
British schools cut Churchill from curriculumJuly 13, 2007
The BBC exposedJuly 13, 2007
The curious links of a CAIR doctor who doesn't support terrorJuly 13, 2007
Turnaround in AnbarJuly 13, 2007
The Propriety of Libby's CommutationJuly 12, 2007
From the you-can't-please-everyone dept: (updated)July 12, 2007
Sensitivity trainingJuly 12, 2007
The media lied; public support diedJuly 12, 2007
An MSM columnist actually does his job wellJuly 12, 2007
Joe Wilson on the hot seatJuly 12, 2007
Hillary 'muscular' and Obama 'effeminate'?July 12, 2007
America's diversityJuly 12, 2007
Is the CIA's decline 'irreversible'?July 12, 2007
A tale of two trendlinesJuly 11, 2007
Solar Deniers Attempt to Eclipse Global Warming DocumentaryJuly 11, 2007
'Liberal'?July 11, 2007
New York Times bond rating cut againJuly 11, 2007
President Bush and the Libby commutationJuly 11, 2007
Herb Meyer radio appearanceJuly 11, 2007
Sound and furyJuly 11, 2007
One Haditha hero clearedJuly 11, 2007
Andrew Bostom on the terror docs (updated)July 11, 2007
Vitter's troubles may benefit LandrieuJuly 11, 2007
Divide and conquerJuly 11, 2007
EU President calls it a "European Empire."July 11, 2007
Be afraid. Be very afraidJuly 11, 2007
Gobal warming I fear (a poem)July 10, 2007
Thomas Lifson radio appearanceJuly 10, 2007
Dubai is a base for sanctions-busting by IranJuly 10, 2007
Senator Vitter's troubles just beginningJuly 10, 2007
What if Syria invaded Lebanon and nobody cared?July 10, 2007
NBC 'News' morphs into NBC Propaganda (updated)July 10, 2007
Peter Chowka radio appearanceJuly 10, 2007
Irony in the NYT's stance on LibbyJuly 10, 2007
LAT allows Hamas to spin its viewsJuly 10, 2007
The Rachel Corrie Case against Caterpillar is backJuly 10, 2007
RFK, Jr calls it treasonJuly 9, 2007
LAT Airbrushes Lies in Fred Thompson StoryJuly 9, 2007
Parsing PowellJuly 9, 2007
Fitzgerald to testify?July 9, 2007
LAT: no sanctions on Revolutionary GuardsJuly 9, 2007
Media Silence on Antiwar Violence (updated)July 9, 2007
The Times, It Ain't A Changin'July 9, 2007
Displacement activityJuly 9, 2007
HIllary's money manJuly 9, 2007
The Shrill One went down to Selma (a poem)July 8, 2007
Hair: long, beautiful hairJuly 8, 2007
More British Union IdiocyJuly 8, 2007
A little perspective, pleaseJuly 8, 2007
A warning on KosovoJuly 8, 2007
Politics makes strange bedfellowsJuly 8, 2007
Those vermin at the New York TimesJuly 7, 2007
More on the 'no-jihad zone'July 7, 2007
Worries in BahrainJuly 7, 2007
Death-for-Rushdie Advocate Headlining Live Earth ConcertJuly 7, 2007
Uncomfortable truths for MuslimsJuly 7, 2007
Where in the world?July 7, 2007
The Ugly EuropeanJuly 6, 2007
Reframing the fight against IslamistsJuly 6, 2007
MSM disgraces itself againJuly 6, 2007
The no-jihad zoneJuly 6, 2007
Ho-Hum (a poem)July 6, 2007
Chirac, de Villepin used dirty tricks, forged documents to frame SarkozyJuly 6, 2007
Independence Day - more than a day-long celebrationJuly 6, 2007
LA Times editorial on Hillary, clemency and hypocrisyJuly 6, 2007
Bloomberg vs. Rudy watchJuly 6, 2007
Lieberman may not support Democrat for presidentJuly 6, 2007
Al Qaeda is desperate (updated)July 6, 2007
A winning counterinsurgency strategy?July 5, 2007
Thomas Lifson on CNBC (updated)July 5, 2007
How the BBC inspires British terrorismJuly 5, 2007
'The capacity of the human mind to delude itself never ceases to amaze'July 5, 2007
Socialized medicine and the doctors plotJuly 5, 2007
Sins of the fatherJuly 5, 2007
Abbas admits Arabs/Moslems are latecomers to IsraelJuly 5, 2007
The flag is much more than a piece of clothJuly 5, 2007
BBC reporter credits Hamas for 'law and order agenda'July 5, 2007
Immigration bill revived the Reagan CoalitionJuly 5, 2007
Speedy Al (a poem)July 4, 2007
Response to Julia GorinJuly 4, 2007
TV does not sympathize (a poem)July 3, 2007
NBC News Tag Line: 'We're Just Making it Up'July 3, 2007
The doctors' plotJuly 3, 2007
Obama and the Sojourners for HamasJuly 3, 2007
Scenes that didn't make SiCKOJuly 3, 2007
Venezuela gasoline for IranJuly 3, 2007
NYT editorial on Libby commutation: this is RichJuly 3, 2007
How the NYT celebrates Independence DayJuly 3, 2007
Libby reactions (updated)July 3, 2007
One brave womanJuly 2, 2007
The Libby commutation (updated)July 2, 2007
California needs more nurses, not more lawyersJuly 2, 2007
Court of Appeals denied Libby's Bond AppealJuly 2, 2007
Media did our work for us - ex-teroristJuly 2, 2007
Terror apologists exposedJuly 2, 2007
Spot the racist (updated)July 2, 2007
Creative destructionJuly 2, 2007
Brit media's growing audience in AmericaJuly 2, 2007
NYT's selective skepticismJuly 2, 2007
Obama the choice of Arab- and Muslim-AmericansJuly 2, 2007
Thoughts on Independence DayJuly 1, 2007
NYT finds Thompson family lobbying noteworthyJuly 1, 2007
Lack of CommunicationJuly 1, 2007
'Serious times' in the UKJuly 1, 2007
So much for the 'disaffected youth' storylineJuly 1, 2007
Oops!July 1, 2007
Some Bad Signals From BritainJuly 1, 2007
Another black congressman falsely accusedJuly 1, 2007
Where's the data?July 1, 2007
Leahy's Unintelligently Timed Intelligence ConcernsJuly 1, 2007
Japanese official: A-bombing 'couldn't be helped'
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