June 3, 2007
Thousands hurt as peace-loving youths protest the G-8
Sweetness & Light posts photos of the gentle souls proclaiming their love for peace in Germany by waving flags with the face of mass murder Che Guevara, burning cars, and violently disrupting life. "Can't stop kaos," reads one banner
The photos are well worth a look because they strike me as truly the face of evil, and bring to mind an earlier generation of thugs who took to the streets of Germany in the 1930s.
Steve Gilbert's comment is very apt:
Update: Jerome Schmitt adds:The peaceniks can't control their own thugs. Yet they think they should run the world.
Indeed the “socialist” protestors seem unaware (or are they?) of the historical significance of their blackshirt uniforms which hearken back not only to Mussolini’s paramilitary thugs (the “blackshirts”) but also the elite black-uniformed Nazi SS corps who Hitler used to purge and supersede his own paramilitary brownshirts (the Nazi SA).
I encourage all conservative writers and pundits to refer to the Nazi's by their formal name: The National Socialists. This should give some pause whenever it's repeated in the MSM. It accurately reflects the class-warfare that brought Hitler to power in hyper-class-conscious Weimar Germany. It's not by chance that Hitler was referred to as "the corporal". Conservatives in Weimar were, after all, MONARCHISTS.