No real new here. Move along

The New York Times manages to find space on page 30 of the national print edition this morning for news of the thwarted terror plot to blow up JFK Airport, which, after all, is not as important as the news that Barack Obama shoots hoops  in his spare time. The Times also finds space for an article saying it wouldn't have worked anyway. Heck, we all know now that the war on terror is just a bumper sticker, so there's really nothing to worry about.

If only.

Ed Lasky adds:

I guess it was good to have stopped this before it was imminent (that word is used in the article). But how to reconcile this:

Law enforcement officials said that Kennedy, which handles roughly 45 million passengers a year and 1,000 flights a day, was never in imminent danger because the plot was only in a preliminary phase and the conspirators had yet to lay out detailed plans or obtain financing or explosives.
With this (a couple of paragraphs down):

But officials said the four men determined to carry out their attack, having conducted "precise and extensive" surveillance of the airport using photographs, video, the recollections of Mr. Defreitas and satellite images downloaded from Google Earth.

They said the men had also traveled repeatedly to Guyana and Trinidad in recent months, seeking the blessing and financial backing of an extremist Muslim group based in Trinidad and Tobago called Jamaat al-Muslimeen, which was behind a bloody coup attempt in Trinidad in 1990

The article failed to mention there are direct flights between Caracas and Tehran.
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