Libby Justice? (a poem)

Justice is done.

Drive-bys may rejoice.
The righteous Judge Walton
Has made his choice.

Plame/Wilson fantasies
Now rule the day,
While Sandy Burgler
Scampers away.

Frozen assets Jefferson
Should be cowering,
But the Liberal media
Will not be harrowing

This victim of meanness
And unkind thought .
His  generous patronage
Is easily bought.

Have we been sold out,
Our faces rubbed in dirt?
Can our national fairness
Be so easily hurt?

Will the American people
Give in and surrender?
Will the President pardon
This non-offender?

Shall we let this slide,
Admit that they’ve won.
Is our system broken,
Has justice been done?

Mimi Evans Winship

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