American Thinker Blog
June 30, 2007
Good news, French styleJune 30, 2007
Court of Appeals Unseals More of Miller Contempt Case RecordJune 30, 2007
The NYT suspects a political prosecutionJune 30, 2007
Mr. Giuliani speaksJune 29, 2007
Suing the radicals and winningJune 29, 2007
Arizona Democrat Napolitano Cannot Now Slink Away From Her Own Immigration Reform BillJune 29, 2007
The peasants are revoltingJune 29, 2007
Tightening the screws on IranJune 29, 2007
The People vs. Ted KennedyJune 29, 2007
Iran's version of the 'fairness doctrine'June 29, 2007
The bill may be dead but the issue remainsJune 29, 2007
Hamas' Turkish websiteJune 29, 2007
Suing Cheney?June 29, 2007
They Listened! (a poem)June 28, 2007
Succeeding at anti terrorism (updated)June 28, 2007
Edwards: the man behind the skirtJune 28, 2007
Immigration bill blockedJune 28, 2007
Posner ProposesJune 28, 2007
Free speech is unfair to losersJune 28, 2007
Democrats and pre-emptionJune 28, 2007
The destruction of Israel: look who's okay with itJune 28, 2007
Eric AltermanJune 28, 2007
Become an instant Middle East expert (updated)June 28, 2007
Ann Coulter, John Edwards, Chris Matthews (updated)June 28, 2007
NBC Universal Launches Global Warming CampaignJune 28, 2007
Chapel Hill (NC) needs a new police chiefJune 27, 2007
Mike Nifong, fugitive?June 27, 2007
Posturing Ninnies in the LimelightJune 27, 2007
Obama's church (continued)June 27, 2007
All too briefJune 27, 2007
Tom Delay 1, Ronny Earle 0 (updated)June 27, 2007
Businesses eliminate Israel (updated)June 27, 2007
How to analyze informationJune 27, 2007
NYT goes to bat for convicted Democrat governorJune 27, 2007
Iran executes children: where is the NYT report on this?June 27, 2007
The conservative immigration gambleJune 27, 2007
Israel's quiet friendships in the Muslim worldJune 27, 2007
Gasoline rationing in Iran (updated)June 26, 2007's 'Top 10 Guy Getaways'June 26, 2007
Libby's Reply to the Appellate Court on Bond Pending AppealJune 26, 2007
Israel's absurd concessionJune 26, 2007
Worst newspaper in America taken to courtJune 26, 2007
How the MSM portrays anti-immigration bill 'groups'June 26, 2007
A winning counterinsurgency strategyJune 26, 2007
Obama's statement on Israeli-Palestinian summitJune 26, 2007
Jack Murtha, venture capitalist?June 26, 2007
'Equal protection' amendment to the immigration billJune 26, 2007
His Smartness, Liberali Maximallus (a continuing poem)June 25, 2007
Islamic Rage BoyJune 25, 2007
Not fit to print in the NYT?June 25, 2007
Murtha's earmarking empireJune 25, 2007
China sees the light, why can't we?June 25, 2007
Liberal paradoxJune 25, 2007
Events clarify Palestinian realitiesJune 25, 2007
NYT print advertising decline close to 15% a year?June 25, 2007
Free trade for America's enemies?June 25, 2007
BBC: 'evangelical SCHEMES' entering the cells of US prisonsJune 25, 2007
Evasive actionJune 25, 2007
A new enemy patrolling our east coast?June 25, 2007
Roger Ebert's moral equivalence (updated)June 24, 2007
The Ugly Face of AbortionJune 24, 2007
Too liberal for the New York Times?June 24, 2007
Politicizing The SmithsonianJune 24, 2007
Airbus and Islamic financeJune 24, 2007
The NYT outdoes itself todayJune 24, 2007
Obama campaign politicizing tax-emept churchesJune 24, 2007
The odd alliance aiding NicaraguaJune 23, 2007
The entertainment industry's guy at the CIAJune 23, 2007
Al Jazeera: Hugo Chavez threatens expropriationJune 23, 2007
The heroes who make us proudJune 22, 2007
Rogue ProsecutorsJune 22, 2007
Fatah's and Hamas' total makeoverJune 22, 2007
Harvesting the assets of dying newspapersJune 22, 2007
The application of violenceJune 22, 2007
Political contributions by journalistsJune 22, 2007
Aussie Navy defeated Iran kidnap attemptJune 21, 2007
errataJune 21, 2007
How to rationalize bad behaviorJune 21, 2007
The McCain doubletalk expressJune 21, 2007
Seasons of the Global Warming SunJune 21, 2007
Pelosi 'greens' the HouseJune 21, 2007
ISG expert's op-ed in the Boston Globe defies beliefJune 21, 2007
Abbas calls Hamas 'terrorists'June 21, 2007
The assault on free speech in radio (updated)June 21, 2007
Bizarre LAT editorialJune 21, 2007
Libby's Appeal PanelJune 20, 2007
Libby files Application for Release Pending AppealJune 20, 2007
The Clinton Political FamilyJune 20, 2007
Return of the Clinton News NetworkJune 20, 2007
More Gaza multiculturalismJune 19, 2007
Richard Baehr and Rick Moran podcastJune 19, 2007
Know your customerJune 19, 2007
How to grow a terrorist at homeJune 19, 2007
Obama: it's never my fault (updated)June 19, 2007
Gaza MulticulturalismJune 19, 2007
Flashback: Immigration fraud and the PresidencyJune 18, 2007
Framing global warmingJune 18, 2007
Tell it to the MarinesJune 18, 2007
What really happened in the Middle EastJune 18, 2007
Open Field PoliticsJune 18, 2007
George Will goes anecdotalJune 18, 2007
Fleeing to the enemy for safetyJune 18, 2007
The friends of Nancy PelosiJune 18, 2007
Obama's little problem with the truthJune 18, 2007
How to slant the news (a continuing series - updated)June 18, 2007
Defeat Lindsay GrahamJune 17, 2007
The Democrats fumbleJune 17, 2007
Righting judicial wrongsJune 17, 2007
SecDef Gates to Putin: Drop Dead!June 17, 2007
Not the bad kind of NaziJune 16, 2007
A ray of hope in DetroitJune 16, 2007
Too little, too lateJune 16, 2007
The incredible shrinking Haditha caseJune 16, 2007
Know your enemyJune 16, 2007
Mike Nifong's CrimeJune 15, 2007
The friends of Joe Wilson (updated)June 15, 2007
The friends of HamasJune 15, 2007
Tim Russert edits Colin PowellJune 15, 2007
Where are the civilian casualties in Palestinian fighting?June 15, 2007
The friends and enemies of Fred ThompsonJune 15, 2007
Gun Bill controls Gunmen not GunsJune 15, 2007
Tax Reform? Ever? (a poem)June 14, 2007
No Bond for LibbyJune 14, 2007
The little winery that couldJune 14, 2007
Kurt Waldheim, R.I.P.June 14, 2007
Buried treasureJune 14, 2007
Mother's misplaced loveJune 14, 2007
NYT vs. WSJJune 14, 2007
Incompetent, except as a taxi serviceJune 14, 2007
Don't shoot: We're not JewsJune 14, 2007
New York Times slo-mo business collapseJune 14, 2007
When is a civil war not a civil war?June 14, 2007
Turmoil at DePaul follows Finkelstein rejectionJune 14, 2007
Decidedly Dispensable (a poem)June 13, 2007
Haditha Trial Sheds Light On NCIS "Investigation"June 13, 2007
Berkeley and the homelessJune 13, 2007
News from EgyptJune 13, 2007
Wesley Clark is at it againJune 13, 2007
Force the Democrats' hand on immigrationJune 13, 2007
Disputing Julia Gorin (updated)June 13, 2007
Beyond our reachJune 13, 2007
Obama: Trust me, that was not a favorJune 13, 2007
The anti Israel roots of liberal ProtestantsJune 13, 2007
Political order under stress in South AfricaJune 13, 2007
His Smartness, Liberali Maximallus (a poem)June 12, 2007
Another anniversary todayJune 12, 2007
Ahmadi-Nejad called 'suicidal'June 12, 2007
The Obama brandJune 12, 2007
Approval of Congress-lowest in a decadeJune 12, 2007
Inside the Obama machineJune 12, 2007
Loose lipsJune 12, 2007
Tear down that Wall!June 12, 2007
Tax Reform? Ever? (a poem)June 11, 2007
George Will is wrong on FredJune 11, 2007
CIA, Plame, Libby - resolution ahead?June 11, 2007
Bad Guy harmonic convergenceJune 11, 2007
Judge Walton's Footnoted snarkJune 11, 2007
Kazakhstan opens air route to IsraelJune 11, 2007
The obsession of the TimesJune 11, 2007
A 'relentlessly pro-American nation'June 11, 2007
Intelligence cooperation with SudanJune 10, 2007
Colin Powell and loyaltyJune 10, 2007
Chicago Sun-Times column by Thomas LifsonJune 10, 2007
Your taxpayer dollars at workJune 10, 2007
Hillary Clinton, neocon?June 10, 2007
Terrorists endanger journalistsJune 9, 2007
Kyoto exits (stage Left)June 9, 2007
Revenge of the undead?June 9, 2007
Wine notesJune 9, 2007
Finkelstein denied tenure at DePaulJune 9, 2007
One more reason to despise Jimmy CarterJune 9, 2007
A respite for LibbyJune 9, 2007
NRA foe Jefferson ordered to surrender his GunsJune 9, 2007
Hillary, the Hispanic vote and UnivisionJune 9, 2007
Hillary's brainJune 8, 2007
Prominent Law Professors Question Fitzgerald Appointment (updated)June 8, 2007
Libby Motion for Release Pending BailJune 8, 2007
D-Day as today's MSM might report itJune 8, 2007
Sociallized medicine's toll in EnglandJune 8, 2007
Former Saudi US Ambassador named in Brit scandalJune 8, 2007
Muslim Brotherhood victim granted asylumJune 7, 2007
Commute Libby's Sentence (updated)June 7, 2007
How smart is Hillary?June 7, 2007
Obama's gobbledygookJune 7, 2007
Immigrants, education and social mobilityJune 7, 2007
Obama admits he neglects his constituents (updated)June 7, 2007
Socialized medicine's death toll in ScotlandJune 7, 2007
Iran reported caught shipping weaponsJune 6, 2007
Adult stem cells go embryonicJune 6, 2007
Clean water for the world's poorJune 6, 2007
The Last American and the Immigration DebateJune 6, 2007
Hoge-wash at the New York TimesJune 6, 2007
Intra Arab fighting on Six Day War anniversaryJune 6, 2007
Your taxes at work (updated)June 6, 2007
A typical British name - like Jack or MohammedJune 6, 2007
Tom Friedman: rescue HamasJune 6, 2007
Clinton pal reported seeking Wall Street JournalJune 6, 2007
New York Times buries inconvenient truth about education (updated)June 6, 2007
D Day plus 63 yearsJune 6, 2007
Shamnesty (a poem)June 5, 2007
Libby Justice? (a poem)June 5, 2007
Larry and Laurie David said to be divorcingJune 5, 2007
The Libby Case Honor RollJune 5, 2007
Judge Walton's last decision in the Libby CaseJune 5, 2007
Stanford punishes Berkeley football fansJune 5, 2007
A mission critical post at the CIA is openJune 5, 2007
Iran's Latin America offesiveJune 5, 2007
Obama contests Hillary for Hispanic supportJune 5, 2007
Hugo Chavez's pirate TVJune 5, 2007
Israel fought for its life 40 years agoJune 5, 2007
Here's your diploma - now go die for AllahJune 4, 2007
Immigration: the status quo wins?June 4, 2007
Trinidad, terror and terminals for LNGJune 4, 2007
CAIR, 2 other groups named as unindicted co-conspiratorsJune 4, 2007
Soros' big Halliburton stakeJune 4, 2007
Condi's mistakeJune 4, 2007
Consensus and dissent on global warmingJune 4, 2007
Prosecution and CIA legerdemain in Libby Case?June 4, 2007
Save this bloggerJune 3, 2007
Thank-you, Alan DershowitzJune 3, 2007
NBC payment to news subjectJune 3, 2007
Peshmerga babes fight for freedom in IraqJune 3, 2007
Al Gore: Shaman-in-chief?June 3, 2007
Negotiating With Tehran's MullahsJune 3, 2007
Rice opens Iranian art showJune 3, 2007
More on jazzJune 3, 2007
Thousands hurt as peace-loving youths protest the G-8June 3, 2007
No real new here. Move alongJune 2, 2007
The Dow Jones Islamic Index is Sharia-compliantJune 1, 2007
How Jimmy Carter Helped Trash Venezuela's Free PressJune 1, 2007
Romney Calls Clinton 'European'June 1, 2007
Too many white interlopers in jazz?June 1, 2007
The most dangerous demographic segmentJune 1, 2007
Leave It to The TimesJune 1, 2007
AQ faces insurgency in BaghdadJune 1, 2007
Big news! Obama shoots some hoopsJune 1, 2007
Debating immigration - why not?June 1, 2007
Blacks, Hispanics and the Congressional Black Caucus
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