Latest evidence of global warming scam (updated)

Global warming alarmists love to point to Greenland and Europe, where ice covers and glaciers are receding, as evidence of their hypothesis. Nancy Pelosi is even making a showboating trip to Greenland. She ought instead to head south, that is if she is interested in the truth.

World Climate Report writes of the latest evidence on Andean snow packs, indicated no significant change, and in fact a slight positive trend. The report goes into considerable detail, and notes that the Southern Hemisphere outside of Antarctica seems to get very little attention from the global warming crowd.

I wonder why?

Hat tip: Joseph Crowley

Update: Douglas Hanson writes:
When Pelosi gets up to Greenland and points out the receding glaciers, someone might want to ask her how the Vikings first established colonies on Greenland if it weren't clear of glaciers and couldn't support life in the first place.  You know, a thousand years before cars and factories and such.  I also think that's how Greenland got its name: because it was so green

I also remember National Geographic TV pointing out that the only reason the Vikings didn't remain and prosper on Greenland is because the weather turned brutally cold and icy.  You know... a thousand years before cars and factories and such.  Which is why the Vikings left, because Greenland wasn't temperate and green anymore.
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