American Thinker Blog
May 31, 2007
Fracturing the jihadMay 31, 2007
The Carter Center on the Venezuelan situationMay 31, 2007
Annual Budget Deficit Goes UpMay 31, 2007
Possession of Ph.D. versus ability to reasonMay 31, 2007
Mullahs fear a 'velvet revolution'May 31, 2007
Honoring Arafat's holy grave siteMay 31, 2007
Why not a debate?May 31, 2007
Boycotting the boycottersMay 31, 2007
Lou Dobbs, nutjobMay 31, 2007
Brit Left-fascists drive through Israel boycottMay 31, 2007
The Studied Linguist (a poem)May 30, 2007
Malaysia's odd definition of freedom of worshipMay 30, 2007
Find the missing wordsMay 30, 2007
Hillary and the HispanicsMay 30, 2007
Let America remain generous and effectiveMay 30, 2007
Venezuelan RevoltMay 30, 2007
Muslim American Society declares victoryMay 30, 2007
The 'Youth Bulge'May 30, 2007
Eichmann's passportMay 30, 2007
Media excuses Miss USA booingMay 30, 2007
Get Along Home, Cindy, Cindy (a poem)May 29, 2007
In Memoriam: Tashbih SayyedMay 29, 2007
Jihad-by-lawsuit fails in BostonMay 29, 2007
A vengeful goddess?May 29, 2007
Cindy Sheehan and protestorsMay 29, 2007
Chavez silences oppositionMay 29, 2007
Bob Weir radio interview todayMay 29, 2007
Obama has it both waysMay 29, 2007
All in the NumbersMay 29, 2007
Al Laughingstock (a poem)May 28, 2007
Memorial Day reflectionsMay 28, 2007
Conservative Bias and FactsMay 28, 2007
Giving land to PalestiniansMay 28, 2007
I thought she was better than this....May 28, 2007
If this is 'neglect', let's have more of itMay 28, 2007
The friends of Barack ObamaMay 28, 2007
The amazing Dr. Kellie LimMay 28, 2007
Is Mitch McConnell shafting the base? (updated)May 27, 2007
John Edwards, flip flopper?May 27, 2007
Bill Richardson strikes out on MTP?May 27, 2007
Happy 100th, Big John (a poem)May 27, 2007
Boston Globe misses the markMay 27, 2007
Educational Spending PerspectiveMay 27, 2007
Jimmy Carter misses the obvious - again.May 27, 2007
To some, Obama can do no wrongMay 26, 2007
Iberia Airlines pulls 'racist, sexist' ad (major update)May 26, 2007
The BBC blames Israel for 'unstable borders.'May 26, 2007
Your tax dollars at workMay 26, 2007
The most expensive ex-president everMay 25, 2007
Raider Nation ultra-nationalismMay 25, 2007
Mrs. Ambassador Munchausen (updated)May 25, 2007
ABC: Another opening, another showMay 25, 2007
Economic chaos looms in IranMay 25, 2007
Great analogyMay 25, 2007
The Muslim voteMay 25, 2007
Carter's friendly advice for JewsMay 25, 2007
The BBC still hates AmericaMay 25, 2007
Gaza gas for IsraelMay 25, 2007
The realities of Muslim ImmigrationMay 25, 2007
Warming Man (a poem)May 24, 2007
Noah`s Flood CancelledMay 24, 2007
Migden changes her storyMay 24, 2007
What's 26% of seven million? (updated)May 24, 2007
The friends of Bill and HillMay 24, 2007
CBS helps Iranian nuke programMay 24, 2007
Your tax-dollars at work in the UNMay 24, 2007
Devastating Critique of Climate ModelingMay 24, 2007
Young American Muslims no cause for worry?May 24, 2007
Hydrogen fusion (updated)May 24, 2007
CAIR in Crisis?May 24, 2007
The IAEA Report on IranMay 24, 2007
Eating our ownMay 23, 2007
In search of Islamic reformMay 23, 2007
There's no human decency left in the mediaMay 23, 2007
Sen. Coburn foils honor for Rachel CarsonMay 23, 2007
Arnold confronts his most powerful enemy ever: the laws of physicsMay 23, 2007
Pew propaganda spinMay 23, 2007
High schooler gets it; media remains dupedMay 23, 2007
Latest evidence of global warming scam (updated)May 23, 2007
The arrogance of (Democrat) powerMay 23, 2007
NYT turns blind eye to Illinois Dem scandalsMay 23, 2007
Michelle Obama resigns lucrative directorshipMay 23, 2007
Birth control riots in ChinaMay 23, 2007
Poor Leonardo Di Caprio (a poem)May 22, 2007
White House gallantry?May 22, 2007
Why assume they even want citizenship?May 22, 2007
Paying rent for the dead in BerkeleyMay 22, 2007
Fatwah against Hamas from Saudi SheikhMay 22, 2007
Our French and Canadian friendsMay 22, 2007
Carter Center on the West BankMay 22, 2007
Blacks and the immigration bill (updated)May 22, 2007
The Sandy Burglar defenseMay 22, 2007
Israel a bigger human rights problem than Sudan? Really?May 21, 2007
Edwards profits at taxpayers' expenseMay 21, 2007
Edwards hides campaign staff in "convenient non-profit"May 21, 2007
The hole in the news holeMay 21, 2007
Apologies and "reparations" for slaveryMay 21, 2007
Mr. PeanutMay 21, 2007
The Global Warming Squeeze PlayMay 21, 2007
More Islamberg powderkegsMay 21, 2007
Flourishing amidst the bombsMay 21, 2007
Obama's corny cynicismMay 21, 2007
Islamic religious immigration fraud estimated at 77-78%May 21, 2007
Democrats and the SouthMay 21, 2007
The concept of pie (a poem)May 20, 2007
A revealing analogy in the New York TimesMay 20, 2007
Thinking about immigration (updated)May 20, 2007
Selective sensitivityMay 20, 2007
Adolph's Apology (a poem)May 20, 2007
More Obama hypocrisyMay 20, 2007
The campaign against Spanish support of CubaMay 20, 2007
Socialism for tykes?May 19, 2007
Pressing onMay 19, 2007
Afghanistan and Iraq comparedMay 19, 2007
Were Dems negotiating with terrorists?May 19, 2007
Minnesota Muslims' dilemmaMay 19, 2007
Mindless reporting in the NYT MagazineMay 18, 2007
Sgt. Rafael Peralta, American heroMay 18, 2007
US opens door to millions of MuslimsMay 18, 2007
World Bank: clean it up or shut it downMay 18, 2007
Obama's charityMay 18, 2007
More Obama mistakesMay 18, 2007
Liberals demean blacks againMay 18, 2007
The cult of liberocracy (a poem)May 17, 2007
World Bank and Wolfowitz official statementsMay 17, 2007
Bolton v BBC: no contestMay 17, 2007
World Bank hypocrisyMay 17, 2007
The "worst form of terrorism"May 17, 2007
If you break a CFL light bulb...May 17, 2007
Divine justice: Hamas accidentally kills its ownMay 17, 2007
Islamberg: American Powderkeg?May 16, 2007
Comey's testimony yesterday (updated)May 16, 2007
What a terror suspect complains about at GitmoMay 16, 2007
Obama's sound of silenceMay 16, 2007
The Obama Election ActMay 16, 2007
A new direction for France?May 16, 2007
Jerusalem DayMay 16, 2007
Debatable Polling (a poem)May 16, 2007
The Ft. Dix Six and sudden jihad syndromeMay 16, 2007
Rick Moran interviews author Jerry KammerMay 15, 2007
Another day, another ObamaMay 15, 2007
Physician, heal thyself (updated)May 15, 2007
Where are the American feminists?May 15, 2007
AIPAC Finally Supports Fired StaffersMay 15, 2007
Money-saving bulbs low energy bulbs? (updated)May 15, 2007
Hillary and UnivisionMay 15, 2007
Caroline Glick on the World BankMay 15, 2007
Democrats against citizen vigilenceMay 15, 2007
More NYT double standards (updated)May 15, 2007
World Bank Wolfowitz Report with Wolfowitz's ResponseMay 14, 2007
Al Jazeera was on Saddam's payrollMay 14, 2007
The friends of Barack ObamaMay 14, 2007
Obama and prime time (continued)May 14, 2007
Hillary, Obama, and racial blocsMay 14, 2007
Wolfowitz: corruption-fighter at the World BankMay 14, 2007
Fred Thompson on the Rule of Law and Scooter LibbyMay 14, 2007
Get the World Bank out of bankingMay 14, 2007
Noor and Soros in a tree...?May 14, 2007
Critical Mass againMay 14, 2007
Tragedy as comedyMay 14, 2007
Der Spiegel: Stop me before I hate againMay 14, 2007
The Early Days (a poem)May 13, 2007
Obama is not ready for prime timeMay 13, 2007
Al Qaeda's parasite running out of hosts in IraqMay 13, 2007
Eight Insurgents Killed in Haditha IncidentMay 12, 2007
Disposing of CFLs with mercuryMay 12, 2007
Make mine a root canalMay 12, 2007
Opening a racial Pandora's Box in CaliforniaMay 12, 2007
Safer alternatives to CFL light bulbsMay 11, 2007
That mouse returns, preaching hatredMay 11, 2007
Edwards, the remarkably incurious wannabe presidentMay 11, 2007
Greenie blowback: the mercury time bomb in your homeMay 11, 2007
Obama-fueled cynicismMay 11, 2007
We've only made a down payment on the price of Tenet's failureMay 11, 2007
Tauscher kills Iran missile defenseMay 11, 2007
Hezb'allah in South AmericaMay 11, 2007
What I have been taught in collegeMay 11, 2007
But I'm your friend!? (a poem)May 10, 2007
Heroes the media doesn't think are importantMay 10, 2007
AIPAC case: judge agrees govt conduct "obnoxious"May 10, 2007
John Edwards, hedgehogMay 10, 2007
French Babes for SarkozyMay 10, 2007
Fun with captions (updated)May 10, 2007
Never green enoughMay 10, 2007
Does Putin read the Daily Kos?May 10, 2007
The world's true superpower? (updated)May 10, 2007
A neologism whose time has comeMay 10, 2007
Kosovo and the War on TerrorMay 10, 2007
Carter seeks to split Evangelicals from Israel supportMay 10, 2007
It's official: Hezb'allah is Iran's puppetMay 10, 2007
E = 1 T Square (a poem)May 9, 2007
Detroit continues its vectorMay 9, 2007
The Media declares "omerta" on Obama shortcomingsMay 9, 2007
It's over for rich greenies (a poem)May 9, 2007
You can't run! You're a Mormon!May 9, 2007
America and IsraelMay 9, 2007
The New York Times already hates SarkozyMay 9, 2007
Missing Headlines (a continuing series)May 9, 2007
What goes around comes around!May 9, 2007
The Soros pincer move on IsraelMay 9, 2007
Here we go again: another American hostage in IranMay 8, 2007
Blame-Bush buffooneryMay 8, 2007
More evidence of media biasMay 8, 2007
Iran strikes advocated in Christian Science MonitorMay 8, 2007
Plan B thinkingMay 8, 2007
Mickey Mouse, jihadi warrior?May 8, 2007
Chris Matthews goes scapegoatingMay 8, 2007
Who is to blame for Greensburg's slow response?May 8, 2007
Update: The French youths are still revoltingMay 8, 2007
Northern Ireland and IraqMay 8, 2007
Demography and political destinyMay 8, 2007
Let the sun shine into the World BankMay 8, 2007
The other FranceMay 7, 2007
The French youths are rioting againMay 7, 2007
European unification and warMay 7, 2007
Bill Clinton on Israel's nuclear annihilationMay 7, 2007
Death wish at the Star-TribuneMay 7, 2007
Soros plans European version of CFRMay 7, 2007
Peddling doomsday on public radioMay 7, 2007
The Battle of the Defeatocrats (a poem)May 6, 2007
What's the opposite of results-oriented?May 6, 2007
Iowahawk on the downfall of newspapersMay 6, 2007
A worthless survey from NewsweekMay 5, 2007
Dems are running on fumesMay 5, 2007
Trouble for the National Guard?May 5, 2007
Your tax $$$ at liberal workMay 5, 2007
Obama is caught in a public fabricationMay 5, 2007
Cinco de MayoMay 4, 2007
A true heroMay 4, 2007
Pim Fortuyn's deathMay 4, 2007
Out of TIME (a poem)May 4, 2007
NYT's selective suspicions of witch huntingMay 4, 2007
More Kafkaesque behavior from the UNMay 4, 2007
And what do Palestinians get from the US for rocketing Israel and electing Hamas?May 4, 2007
Wally Schirra, RIPMay 3, 2007
World Bank: Infinite Rules, Infinite DiscretionMay 3, 2007
Socialist loses temper in French presidential debateMay 3, 2007
The Obama campaign: home of the WhopperMay 3, 2007
Steady state politics?May 3, 2007
Tenet would have resigned over Pollard?May 3, 2007
Crisis in socialized British maternity wardsMay 3, 2007
National Day of PrayerMay 2, 2007
Well worth readingMay 2, 2007
How the left arguesMay 2, 2007
Debutantes of Defeat (a poem)May 2, 2007
Georgia increases military commitment to CoalitionMay 2, 2007
BBC secretsMay 2, 2007
Democrats and free speechMay 2, 2007
The man going after WolfowitzMay 2, 2007
The Kurds build a healthy society; why can't the Palestinians?May 2, 2007
Bull Connor, DemocratMay 1, 2007
Official statements of Shaha Riza and Paul WolfowitzMay 1, 2007
Jim McDermott still guiltyMay 1, 2007
Feinstein conflict of interest escapes press noticeMay 1, 2007
Missing Headlines: Sen. Frist vindicatedMay 1, 2007
World Bank power struggleMay 1, 2007
Newspaper industry collapse intensifyingMay 1, 2007
Bid on building Iran's nuclear reactorMay 1, 2007
The priorities of Human Rights Watch (updated)May 1, 2007
Obama snubs Black CaucusMay 1, 2007
The enemies of WolfowitzMay 1, 2007
A response to James Lewis' "Was Cho Taught to Hate?"
Recent Articles
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- A new low: Leftist terrorists damage the Tesla of a woman in a wheelchair, leaving her with repair costs
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- New report: NYPD officer accused of spying for the Chinese…from the same building as the FBI field office
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- Israel’s appearance in the JFK files does not connect it to JFK’s death
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