The friends of Nancy Pelosi (updated)

Ynet News went right ahead and published the politically incorrect headline: "Terrorists endorse Pelosi's ‘good policy of dialogue'. That just about sums up the downside of the Speaker's clumsy attempt at usurping diplomacy from the executive branch of government, and appropriating it to "the People's House." She is visibly and physically aligning herself with the bad guys. And the hijab headscarf with short skirt didn't help much either.

It was all so embarrassing that even the Washington Post had to lecture Pelosi:

"Pratfall in Damascus: Nancy Pelosi's foolish shuttle diplomacy,"
read the headline of its editorial today.

It looks to me as though liberals in Congress and on the Supreme Court have decided that W is now an illegitimate president, and they are going to take away his executive power. They will take away his role of commander in chief, executive in charge of foreign relations, and tell his EPA what substances to regulate as pollutants.

Hat tip: Paul Shlichta

Update: Rick Moran is scathing:

Anyone who believes any "assurances" from that murderous thug Assad obviously needs some additional Reynolds Wrap on their tin foil beanie to deflect all the rays marked "stupid" from penetrating their skull.

Assad has given Lebanon all sorts of "assurances" that he will respect their independence and not assassinate their citizens on a regular basis. The killing of the beloved Pierre Gemayal last November would seem to give the lie to the latter. And as for the former, Assad is working closely with his Hizbullah allies to bring about a return of Syrian domination of the tiny country.

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