NYT finds 'expert" that agrees with Iran

Almost unbelievably (it is April Fools' Day, after all), the New York Times has dug up and provided op-ed space to Alan Cowell, an "expert" who agrees with Iran that the UK violated its territorial waters.

When one goes to Cowell's website, his headline banner declares that he is a "prominent critic of Western policy in the region" and that he helped expose "vicious human rights abuses" by the "US-funded regime of Islam Karimov" [of Uzbekistan]. US-funded regime? Karimov happens to follow a relatively benign policy towards America, but it is a stretch to characterize his regime as US-funded.

As long as Cowell is interested in exposing human rights violations, why not focus on Iran and other Muslim nations' mistreatment of their own people?

Cowell also is a conspiracy theorist: believing that the US gave Israel the "green light" to attack Lebanon as a precursor to military force against Iran . He also has talked of America's imperial project.

So the Times relies on this type of "expert' to support the number one terror-sponsoring regime in the world - a nation that has denied the Holocaust, is responsible for the death of many Americans) Khobar Towers, Lebanon, Iraq), and is proudly standing defiantly before the civilized world as it develops nuclear weapons-while declaring that Israel will soon be eliminated?
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