Nancy's wonderful adventure

It's amazing what Superwoman can do. One day you're inaugurated as Speaker of the House, next day you launch One Hundred Days of History-Making Legislation; then you find yourself face-to-face with world leaders like Bashir Al-Assad, the Lion of Syria. You always wanted to meet a nice opthalmologistt. And off you fly again!

What a woman we have in Ms. Pelosi! I Am Nancy, Hear me Roar!!!

When Newt Gingrich got into a snit after he was dissed by Bill Clinton lo these many years ago, the media laughed up a storm. But now we've got the Most Powerful Woman in the World engaging in Peace Diplomacy. This is serious stuff. Who knows when Peace will Break Out All Over the Middle East in the swirl of Nancy's jet contrails?

James Lewis blogs at
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