Blaming the victim

Colbert King faults Paul Wolfowitz for the antics and unfairness of others.

By the way, what qualified Colbert King to ever have been on the Board of the World Bank? He blames Wolfowtiz for the "tabloid" like attacks of others. This conflict could have been kept under wraps but his enemies at the bank some willing allies in the press.

People around the world have begun to realize that there is no more powerful ally than the media. Wolfowitz followed the rules and the recommendations of the head honchos at the bank but is stabbed in the back because some who object to his history, his links to the Bush Administration ,his involvement in the Iraq War , and his anti-corruption drive have made him tabloid trash. Colbert King blames the victim and not the true perpetrators here.
If Colbert King blames Wolwfowitz for brining ill-repute to the World Bank and harming the sterling reputation of that institution by being responsible for the tabloidization of the controversy, would he blames Bill Clinton for doing the same for the Presidency due to the Monica Lewinsky affair and his subsequent perjury? Surely Bill Clitnon's behavior was far worthier of condemnation than that of Wolfowitz: a man in a powerful position has an affiar with a very yong intern, cheats on his wife, suborns others in the Adminsitration to cover-up the fact, denied publicly about having had an affair with 'that woman"; and lies under oath regarding the affair. Surely a higher (or lower, actually) category of controversy than that of Paul Wolfowitz. The disparate treatment? Well, Wolfowitz is linked to George Bush and the Iraq War. Therfore he is tainted goods and subject to unjust attacks.
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