The "fly by" media (a poem)

Have you ever stopped to wonder why?
Half told truths and half baked lies,

corrupted press, malignant tumors,
withhold facts and extoll rumors.

Fluttering, fanciful, fanatic flies,
swarming and storming conservative skies

species specific, parasites plain,
elephantus carnivorous, conservatives' bane,

fluttering, fanciful, fanatic flies,
with singular purpose and myopic eyes,

flies watching for cracking on elephant skins,
biting and sucking all pachyderm sins.

Sins found are expanded,
larger lesions demanded.

Symbiosis it's not,
destruction's the plot,

of fluttering, fanciful, fanatic flies,
swarming and storming conservative skies.

But what of the Hee-Haws also found there,
the ones that graze careless without press fly care?

No worry, no hurry, they do as they might.
The press flies accost almost only the right.

Of donkeys close grazing illegal grazed grasses,
the flies flutter, flitter ignoring their asses.

Tim Schieferecke is proprietor of Pandering Politicos
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