KSM and Iraq: tactical allies (updated)

Most of the coverage of Mohammed's confession ridiculously is focused on what half-wits like Rosie O'Donnell think about whether it was derived as a result of torture at Gitmo or whether it represents an over-confession. Only Investors Business Daily

seems to have caught what I think is significant: The tactical link to Iraq in the two attacks on the WTC.
Of particular interest is the revelation about Mohammed's involvement in the '93 bombing. It shows a linkage not only between the '93 WTC attack and 9/11, but also between Iraq and al-Qaida.

We already know, for instance, that Abdul Rahman Yasin, the Iraqi responsible for carrying out the '93 bombing, found a haven in Iraq for a decade after the attack. Yasin worked closely with another al-Qaida operative, Ramzi Yousef, on the '93 WTC bombing.

For the record, Yousef is Mohammed's nephew. He was described by the National Commission On Terrorism's 9/11 report as 'the mastermind' of the '93 bombing. And according to U.S. intelligence, he got funding from al-Qaida.

Intelligence documents captured in Baghdad in September 2003 show that Yasin and the others received financial aid from the Iraqi government. This raises a big question: Why would Iraq, under international scrutiny for both WMD and sanctions, support a known terrorist with ties to al-Qaida? The only reasonable answer is, it wanted to keep Yasin quiet about Iraq's involvement.

There's ample evidence of Iraq's role in 9/11 too. The lead 9/11 hijacker, Mohammed Atta, met at least twice with Iraqi intelligence in Europe before carrying out the attacks. And Ahmed Hikmat Shakir, an Iraqi intelligence operative, attended a key meeting of the 9/11 hijackers and other al-Qaida terrorists in January 2000.

Upon capture, Shakir was found to be in contact with Zahid Sheikh Mohammed, brother of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Iraqi Musab Yasin, brother of Abdul Rahman Yasin, and Ibrahim Ahmad Suleiman, a '93 WTC conspirator.

Update: Laurie Mylroie informs me: "Al Qaida was not involved in the 1993 WTC bombing or the 1995 plane plot.  UBL is not charged with either plot in a US criminal court.  The military charges issued against Guantanamo detainees describe al Qaida's conspiracy against the US and do not include either of those early plots. "
That would mean that for the 1993 WTC bombing, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was working directly with Iraq  without any Al-Qaeda involvement. Here is a useful primer by Laurie Mylroie which our readers might be interested in reading.

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