March 14, 2007
John Edwards' carbon neutral campaign
As the notion of anthropogenic global warming is finally meeting well-founded opposition from serious scientists, John Edwards, another personal energy hog, joins his fellow energy porkers Al Gore and Teresa Heinz and John Kerry in hopping aboard the sinking ship.
GREENSBORO, N.C. | Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards said Tuesday his campaign would seek to eliminate its contribution to global warming by becoming "carbon neutral."
Speaking to a crowd of college students at Bennett College, the former North Carolina senator urged all Americans to help reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
"It's time for the president of the United States to ask Americans to be patriotic about something other than war," Edwards said. "This is an emergency. This requires action now."
Edwards said his campaign will consult with experts to calculate its total carbon emissions - covering everything from his campaign travel to the energy used at his headquarters office in Chapel Hill.
I've done the calculations, and I figure the most efficient and sensible way for his campaign to become "carbon neutral" is for him to end it and put us and the planet out of our misery.