Cowardice Most Despicable

To be a terrorist is to be a coward.  Deliberately targeting unarmed civilians is the most craven of crimes.  But when the objective is the bloody death of our offspring, itis even worse. There can surely be no viler plot. Will anyone ever forget those stark September 2004 images of Russian school children butchered by low-life Chechen terrorists in Beslan?  I won't.

Yesterday, the Associated Press begrudgedly brought that horror potentially closer to home when it reported that:
"Members of extremist groups have signed up as school bus drivers in the United States, counterterror officials said Friday, in a cautionary bulletin to police."
In classic cowardly AP fashion, the article concludes that it's not "immediately clear" what the extremists "intended to do" with the school buses. 

Isn't it?
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