Columbia University disciplines students

What do you do if you don't agree with an invited speaker?  Well, if you're a student at what is considered a top tier university you rush the speakers, shout so they can't speak, wave signs condemning the speakers as racist or some other evil politically correct ist while proclaiming your goodness and self righteousness and then whine, complain and whine some more if threatened with punishment for disruption. 

Consider Columbia University located in New York City.  Last fall, that is how students at this prestigious university
behaved when  Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project, a civilian organization policing the southern border against illegal aliens, spoke at the school at the invitation of Columbia Republicans. 

Almost a half a year later a few students received their punishment. At least that's what Columbia calls it. 

Three students

were charged with simple violations of the University's Rules of Conduct. The resulting warnings, which will be notated on students' transcripts and remain there until the end of 2008, are the lowest  (emphasis added) of four possible outcomes for those found to be in violation of the rules. Disciplinary warnings place no financial or academic constraints on the person charged and state "that future violations will be treated more seriously."
Three more students faced more serious charges but received equally light

disciplinary warnings after they were found to have briefly interrupted a University function and aided others in doing so, both simple violations of the rules. A third student, Andrew Tillet-Saks, CC '09 was also found to have engaged "in conduct that places another in danger of bodily harm."

The three charges-out of nine which they said the University originally informed them were being considered-are all classified as "simple," and are minor when compared to "serious" violations.
As one of the disciplined students gleefully noted,

"It's a light punishment, it's a slap on the wrist," Monique Dols, GS, who was given a disciplinary warning, said. 
then self righteously justified her martyrdom proclaiming,

"It's a victory for free speech and anti-racism."
Another student complained,

"The main point I think is that at the end of the day the University formally apologized to the Minutemen and punished the students who upheld values of free speech and anti-racism, and subjected us to an arbitrary process for doing so...."
Tillet-Saks, who was charged with placing another in danger of bodily harmed self righteously protested,

"I don't think I endangered anybody. I'm upset at the administration for choosing to condemn my peaceful actions in protest while the Minutemen walk around toting rifles," he said. "It's illogical, hypocritical and also a hindrance to further progress. I'm not pleased with the University."
Students around the country are sure to note Columbia's reaction when they throw their major tantrums against speakers or instructors who don't toe the pc line.  All in the name of free speech and diversity of course, not to mention education.
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