How much more evidence is needed?

First Austrian-made guns that are unique and rare and that were recently shipped to Iran for "anti-drug" efforts find their way to Iraqi "insurgents". Then Iranian officials are captured within Iraq and are alleged to have been aiding violence against America and Iraqi forces. Then roadside bombs are found that indicate they were made in Iran-a police state.  Iranian leaders constantly taunt America, declaring its aims to create a world without America. Iran is the number one state sponsor of terror in the world, judged so even by the appeasement oriented US State Department.

But somehow General Pace, head honcho of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he could not conclude that Iran's top leaders were behind the attacks against Americans in Iraq. Despite admitting, "that U.S. forces have arrested Iranians in Iraq and some of the materials used in roadside bombs had been made in Iran.

''That does not translate that the Iranian government per se, for sure, is directly involved in doing this,'' Pace said.

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