January 29, 2007
Boxer and CAIR in a tree...
Well that didn't take long! Barbara Boxer, having shown unusual sense in withdrawing an award to a CAIR official, has gotten back to hugs and kisses with them. The JTA news service reports:
"We have addressed the issues related to this unfortunate and unnecessary incident, and have agreed with Senator Boxer that we should all move forward to build a nation in which people of all faiths work together to promote respect and tolerance," a statement from the Council on American-Islamic Relations said in a release after its meeting Jan. 23 with Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.).CAIR and Boxer would continue to "encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding," it said.
CAIR continues to refuse to condemn terror organizations Hamas and Hezb'allah.
Hat tip: Joseph Crowley