The archbishop's Christmas carol

Fresh from his trip to Bethlehem, the archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, scurried back to England to pontificate about what he had learned. 

Nothing.  Actually less than nothing as a form of forgetfulness or an inability to comprehend the origins of his religious faith seemed to overtake him.

In a bizarre form of even handedness he blamed both the victims and the perpetrators for their situation, especially the victims.
"Every wall we build to defend ourselves and keep out what may destroy us is also a wall that keeps us in and that will change us in ways we did not choose or want.

"Every human solution to fears and threats generates a new set of fears and threats."

Williams said whether it was Israel's controversial security barrier in the  West Bank, Britain's planned renewal of its Trident missile nuclear deterrent system or tactics to protect oneself against harm, defences were destructive.

"Defences do something terrible to us as well as to our real and imagined enemies," he said.
Oh, so defending our selves from terror--death and destruction--is useless; much better to succumb?  By stating this he nakedly reveals his longing for the good old days when Jews would retain the high ground when their enemies, including Williams' Anglicans, among other Christians, could so easily kill Jews without any repercussions--indeed glory. 
For Israel, that meant the continuing legacy Jewish people's troubled history as persecuted "largely unwelcome guests among other nations"  
Well, so much for the Christian hospitality and love that seem to concern him.

His lingering sense of British imperialism and colonialism continues as he reassures
"Both deserve the best. And the best we can give them in such circumstances is at least the assurance of friendship. 
Hmm, with friends like these...who needs enemies? After all,

"The tragedies of the Holy Land are not the problems of exotic barbarians far away. They are signs of the underlying tragedies that cripple all human life, individual and collective," he said.
Oh why bother commenting.

However, some British subjects agreed with Williams.
His comments were backed by the Muslim Council of Britain umbrella group
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