Russia and Shell

Dear Mr. Lifson,

As to your today’s article about Russia you are right on money.

During my 17 years in States I used to tell many people, with whom I worked, that I would be more than happy to work as a business consultant for companies planning to deal with Russia.

The only advise would be – ‘Never, ever invest even a penny into Russia unless you at any moment are ready to write-off money as a total loss, and do not shed a tear’.

As you guess everybody laughs hearing it and nobody pays even a penny for such an advise.

West was supposed to learn this lesson in the last 90 years, but, alas, never did it and there is no even a glimpse of hope on the horizon.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Truly yours,

Dr. Leon Iofin
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