Winston Churchill and the PM of Iraq

Today the American president is meeting with the prime minister of a beleagured ally, beset by a vicious foe that is grounded in pure evil. What if someone like Winston Churchill were Prime Minister of Iraq? Very likely we would be hearing something like this....

Address to the people of Iraq by Winston al-Churchill, Prime Minister 
“My brothers, we who live in the Land Between The Rivers, whence all civilization sprang, we are under siege.  From within our midst and from outside our sacred land, wolves have come to devour us, our families and our civilization – to tell us, the People Who Live Between The Rivers, how we should live.

“We groaned under a terrible yoke, a terrible evil.  Allah, in his mysterious ways, sent the Americans from the West to lift our yoke.  We prayed for deliverance and Allah sent us deliverance.  Who are we to question his ways?

“But the Qu’ran tells us that life is not ease.  Life is struggle – jihad.  No, my brothers.  I am not talking about the evil and disgusting bombing of our selves and our families that the Satanic forces call by the name of jihad.  They will burn in Hell for their perfidy.

“I am talking about the struggle, the jihad, for us to walk in the ways of our Fathers, in the ways of the great Caliphs of Baghdad, of the ways of Allah.

“Can you not see Allah in this, our struggle?  Yes, we have foreigners among us, but of two kinds – those who struggle with us for the Light and those who deny the True Faith and the Words of the Prophet, their blasphemy being even more unspeakable as they claim the True Faith as their own.

“My brothers, what are we to do?  I declare today a fatwa against all bombers, against all suicide of any sort, which, as the Qu’ran tells us is an abomination in the eyes of Allah.  And I call on you – yes each and every man who dwells in the Land Between The Rivers – to a jihad to throw out the evil among us and create a righteous future for Iraq.  We must do it together, my brothers.  We must find a way. If we cannot yet love each other, we must not hate each other.  There is room for us all in this Land where we were all born.  And if, as the Americans say, we cannot find it within ourselves to hang together, then we will all most certainly hang separately.

“Every man can be a hero in this great struggle.  Not since civilization sprang up between The Rivers 5,000 years ago has there been a crisis, and I say, an opportunity, like this.  Allah has joined the fight on our side.  He sent the Americans to destroy Saddam, but only we, my brothers, we Iraqis, we citizens, can win this war and throw out the evil from among us.

“When the history of our land is written 50 years from now, 500 years from now, 1000 years from now, people will ask what did their ancestors do in the Great War Against Evil?  Every man who wields a rifle will be remembered.  Every man who identifies the evil ones will be remembered.  Their deeds recorded.  Their contribution acknowledged.  Your posterity will look back with pride and say, ‘Yes, my Fathers, my ancestors, honored their family and their clan and drove out the evil in this great battle of civilizations.’

“Victory for our sacred country!” 
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