Millions march against Chavez in Venezuela
Cindy Sheehan's and Code Pink's favorite dictator is having a hrad time at home. A.M. Mora y Leon reports on Publius Pundit:
This story might speak for itself through its photos — what looks like millions of people — have marched across the 15—mile length of Caracas, from shantytown outskirt to big city skyscrapers to shantytown outskirt, on behalf of Manuel Rosales, who's destroying Hugo Chavez at the polls. At long last, democracy may be coming to Venezuela, assuming no cheating goes on in the electronic voting machinery. Today, it becomes harder for that to happen. This is one heck of a massive rally.
Bloomberg has the news story here.
Daniel Duquenal at Venezuela News & Views has live—blogging of the event, plus a map, plus interesting little significant details only a Venezuelan would know, like the significance of the march's end—point in Petare. It's a must read here.
Alek Boyd, in one of his most brilliant pieces at VCrisis, has a description of just what's going on in Venezuela right now, explaining why Rosales is ahead with just one month to go, and all the momentum building his way. It's a must—see, must—read, here.
Clarice Feldman 11 4 06
Update: 11 5 06 The total estimated for the march is half a million according to A.M. Mora y Leon