November 29, 2006
MEMRI: Lebanon on the brink of civil war
The reliable Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has now issued its fourth consecutive warning that Lebanon is on the brink of a civil war, with Hezb'allah, backed by Syria and Iran, aiming to overthrow Prime Minister Siniora and his cabinet.
What will the the UN peace keepers do? Nothing. They are so risk-averse that they do not even patrol at night, allowing Hezb'allah to completely re-arm itself since the Israeli effort to knock them down. Unfortunately, neither the United States and Israel will come to the aid of the more moderate Lebanese government. There is a humanitarian case for arming the government to defend themselves, but the Lebanese Army is penetrated by Hezbollah sympathizers. The various party factions have their own militias, but they are unlikely to stave off the Hezbollah-Syria-Iran assault.