Canadian Muslims' right to not be offended


Shari'a steadily extends its penetration of North American society, carried on the back of poltiically correct sensibilities. Ummah News Links calls our attention to a story from the Canadian Press news agency, where the rights of Canadian men have been truncated to avoid offendeing the sensibilities of Muslim women.

A Montreal community health clinic has come under fire for excluding men from their neonatal classes to accommodate the sensibilities of Muslim, Sihk and Hindu women.

ADQ Leader Mario Dumont said the prohibition exceeds the limits of common sense. He said it's unreasonable that a Quebec taxpayer is barred from joining his pregnant girlfriend at a health clinic because his presence would offend others.

Religious and cultural accommodations in light of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms no longer makes sense, Dumont said ahead of a weekend convention of l'Action democratique du Quebec.

Were it not so serious a metter, it would be quite comic to see Western societies violating their own cultural values and rights, twisting themselves like pretzels, in order to be thought somehow sensitive to alien values.

Thomas Lifson  11 17 06

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