MSM yawns at leftist voter registration fraud
Our frequent contributor Noel Sheppard has an important post at Newsbusters.
Assume for a moment that a conservative advocacy group was accused of voter registration fraud four weeks before the upcoming elections, and had been accused of similar activities in 2004. Further imagine that this group was accused by some of its representatives of campaigning for a Republican candidate for the U.S. senate in a key state that could determine which party controls that Congressional chamber. Do you think this would get reported by the media, especially given all the attention on expected electronic ballot irregularities in the upcoming elections? Might be front—page news, and the lead story for the broadcast networks, right?
Well, on October 11, the Associated Press reported (hat tip to reader Saw the Light) such alleged activities in St. Louis, Missouri, by a liberal group called the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). The Kansas City Star reported similar allegations against the group on October 24. And, a video made available by a St. Louis blog called Pub Def on October 4 showed ACORN workers admitting that they had been registering voters specifically to elect Claire McCaskill (D—Missouri). Yet, a Google and LexisNexis search indicated that not one major national news organization other than AP chose to report any of these allegations. Not one.
There's more. Follow the link. Every fraudulent vote in effect steals the vote of a legitimate voter who voted to the contrary.
Thomas Lifson 10 25 06