Don't' ask, don't tell - except if you're Hastert and Foley


So now that the Foley imbroglio has been exposed  as case of Democrat operatives revealing personal communications between two consenting adults, I wonder if the left feels any shame over the hypocrisy of their own witch hunt of a gay man. Under other circumstances, it certainly would cause no end of grief from homosexual advocates trying to overturn  DoD's  "Don't ask, don't tell" policy.  One would think they would be lining up in Foley's defense.  After all, here  is what Jamie Gorelick (author of the infamous intell—law enforcement wall) had to say when she was DoD counsel under Bill Clinton:

Again, it's a very conduct—based policy. [...]

There was a lot of attention paid to the fact—finding process that commanders would undertake in connection with a possible separation. Number one, no inquiry will be made about orientation, but a service member can be asked about conduct if there is credible information —— and credible information is information that supports a reasonable inference that there has indeed been homosexual conduct. [...]

Credible information is not rumor; it is not suspicion; it's not opinion. It's facts. [emphasis mine]  Associational activities, like going to a gay parade or reading a magazine — in and of themselves —— are not credible information, [...]

Again, this was a very important part of our policy when we announced it in July —— and that is that, if someone investigates a particular set of facts, say, that two people were engaged in homosexual acts. The inquiry will be complete when the facts establishing that set of acts is determined.  There will not then be a process whereby each service member is interrogated about his or her partners.  There will be no —— that's our attempt to try to deal with the concern about witch hunts.  [emphasis mine]

Where is Gay Rights Watch when our fellow citizens need them?  Oh, I forgot; Foley is a Republican.

Douglas Hanson   10 05 06

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