Ayman al-Zawahiri calls Bush a liar!
If that has a familiar ring to it, wait till you hear the rest of Ayman al—Zawahiri's latest "infidels, you can't win, give—up now" diatribe released on the web today. It so closely echoes the Dems' talking points, it's almost as if al—Zawahiri was reading directly from a Karl Rove script! al—Zawahiri actually asks; "If America is winning the war in Iraq why are they talking about withdraw?"
He also tells Americans
"If you do not to convert to Islam you will feel the wrath of al—Qaeda."
Republican's couldn't have asked for a more apropos reflection of how the Islamofacists view the pusillanimous Kumbaya crowd's anti—Bush, anti—war, talking points. If the GOP doesn't take full advantage of this — as in they dare not politicize this — to help them maintain control of the House and Senate in November they deserve to lose.
Joseph Crowley 9 03 06