Hezbo photo follies on display
Now that the cease fire is in effect in Lebanon ,the photo journalists are for the first time showing funerals of killed Hezb'allah fighters, including four from Qana, where we'd been led to believe only little children and other civilians had died. Pictures of the dead carried by the mourners show not one who resembles those in the corpse corps parade.
And we are seeing many shots——obviously staged——of female Hezb'allah welfare workers carefully noting which residences have been destroyed and reportedly trying to line up volunteers to rebuild them. Alongside those are shots of "engineers" working for Hezb'allah rolling up their sleeves to repair the infrastructure damaged in a war caused by Hezb'allah's ill— considered cross border incursion, killing and kidnapping Israeli soldiers.
Finally, there are a number of photos of Hezb'allah handing out thousands of dollars to those who've lost their houses. Since Israel blew up the Hezb'allah banks and Iran is in economic trouble, one has to wonder where all this cash is coming from. Chances are good the money is counterfeit. Just like the photo dramas.
In the meantime, EUreferendum has turned up another video which seems to conclusively establish that the baby with the blue pacifier, whose corpse was such an international sensation when supposedly found dead in Qana and paraded about in front of the cameras had been buried there earlier to be dug up in front of the photographers' gaggle.
Clarice Feldman 8 21 06