American Thinker Blog
August 31, 2006
Niamey: see no evilAugust 31, 2006
How the AP distorted Rumsfeld's speechAugust 30, 2006
The Plame Game (a poem)August 30, 2006
The Powell-Armitage-Wilkerson cabalAugust 30, 2006
NYT blocks British from viewing storiesAugust 30, 2006
A racialist boondoggleAugust 30, 2006
Jewish MP assaulted by anti-Israel MP in UKAugust 30, 2006
Shazzam! The NYT discovers Dick Armitage!August 30, 2006
What hath Hezb'allah wrought?August 30, 2006
Not a charitable humanitarian organizationAugust 30, 2006
The other Katrina storyAugust 30, 2006
Investor's Business Daily asks THE questionAugust 29, 2006
Dastardly diplomatsAugust 29, 2006
The twin fabulists: Joe Wilson and John Mark KarrAugust 29, 2006
Plame blame game primerAugust 29, 2006
Go, Rummy, Go!August 29, 2006
Spike Lee and Hurricane Katrina's AnniversaryAugust 29, 2006
Prelude to Apocalypse: an exchangeAugust 29, 2006
That cross againAugust 29, 2006
Jesse Jackson, the Zelig of our timeAugust 29, 2006
Annan equates Israeli soldiers to TalibanAugust 29, 2006
Not as assimilated as you thinkAugust 29, 2006
Duke's president and the Lacrosse teamAugust 29, 2006
Fake Plamegate still damaged BushAugust 29, 2006
Hit and run rampage in SF - driver with Afghani nameAugust 28, 2006
Time for the Duranty Award: my nominationAugust 28, 2006
40 years and 180 degreesAugust 28, 2006
Is Rahm Emanuel worried?August 28, 2006
Fighter ChicksAugust 28, 2006
HuffPo blogger contemplates another 9/11August 28, 2006
The Hezbo war: a success for Israel?August 28, 2006
Is UNIFIL blind, deaf and dumb?August 28, 2006
Spikey dumps Armitage and PlameAugust 28, 2006
An oxymoronic tolerance conferenceAugust 28, 2006
Gore - ever more unhingedAugust 28, 2006
Oh little town of Muslim BethlehemAugust 27, 2006
DemocratsAugust 27, 2006
Time to Boot Armitage from the Straight Talk ExpressAugust 27, 2006
Israel appoints general for possible war with IranAugust 27, 2006
Civil rights theatricsAugust 27, 2006
British Neoconservatives Publish ManifestoAugust 27, 2006
Dissenting views on public crossesAugust 27, 2006
The Persian OsirakAugust 27, 2006
Humor item of the dayAugust 27, 2006
Ecological and economic diversity for fisheriesAugust 26, 2006
Stuck on StupidAugust 26, 2006
Hot, cold, let's call the whole thing offAugust 26, 2006
Turks and Kurds going at itAugust 26, 2006
Polls moving in GOP directionAugust 26, 2006
MSM science fictionAugust 25, 2006
What Ever Happened to Plan A?August 25, 2006
Proof that there are stupid JewsAugust 25, 2006
ABC News blog tells a different story than other MSMAugust 25, 2006
Foreign Affairs: Is There Still a Terrorist Threat?August 25, 2006
Big news versus little news about Kentucky's governorAugust 25, 2006
Netanyahu on proportionalityAugust 25, 2006
Rwanda-Kosovo redux?August 25, 2006
Canada's Liberals face turmoil (a continuing series)August 25, 2006
A warning to the MSMAugust 25, 2006
NYT: Do as we say, not as we doAugust 25, 2006
In our midstAugust 25, 2006
Lame Plame Game Flames OutAugust 24, 2006
ErratumAugust 24, 2006
What would we do without academics?August 24, 2006
Egypt slams Syria in state-controlled pressAugust 24, 2006
The French betrayalAugust 24, 2006
The New York Times continue its PR spin on IranAugust 24, 2006
China supplying military jets to ZimbabweAugust 23, 2006
Canadian Hezbollah supporter resigns Liberal Party postAugust 23, 2006
Qana conclusions devastating to pressAugust 23, 2006
Farewell to foie gras in ChicagoAugust 23, 2006
More Hezbollah photo fraudAugust 23, 2006
CNN's love song to OsamaAugust 23, 2006
Democrat Dingell's website drops links to Israel-bashersAugust 23, 2006
Wal-Mart hatred on display in LA TimesAugust 23, 2006
Al Gore buys San Francisco condoAugust 23, 2006
Human Rights Watch executive director skeweredAugust 23, 2006
Media obsession with Jon Benet spawns shallow critiqueAugust 23, 2006
A terroristAugust 23, 2006
Burns self-immolatingAugust 23, 2006
BBC goes OprahAugust 22, 2006
Connecticut FolliesAugust 22, 2006
Straight talk from the "gas guru"August 22, 2006
UK public opinion on the war on terrorAugust 22, 2006
No torts for criminalsAugust 22, 2006
Polls trending in new directionAugust 21, 2006
Canada's Liberals face turmoilAugust 21, 2006
There are limits to what outsiders can tell IsraelAugust 21, 2006
More evidence Armitage was the Plame sourceAugust 21, 2006
Canada's PM Harper picking up Jewish supportAugust 21, 2006
A victory for passengersAugust 21, 2006
Summer daze and wishful thinkingAugust 21, 2006
The friends of Harry ReidAugust 21, 2006
Hezbo photo follies on displayAugust 21, 2006
Arab press saysAugust 21, 2006
Lebanon, France, Ireland and proportionalityAugust 20, 2006
German judge okays Islamic call to violenceAugust 20, 2006
Ahmadinejad's blog?August 20, 2006
Luttwak - Israeli gloom misplaced.August 20, 2006
City of New Orleans to Law Abiding Gun Owners: Drop Dead!August 19, 2006
The death of photojournalismAugust 19, 2006
Letter to editorAugust 19, 2006
Right Track/Wrong Track foolishnessAugust 19, 2006
The Words of Santayana (a poem)August 18, 2006
Road warrior report:: airports not so badAugust 18, 2006
Melanie PhillipsAugust 18, 2006
NYT runs op-ed by anti-SemiteAugust 18, 2006
Jimmy Carter accused of lyingAugust 18, 2006
About those Lamont votersAugust 18, 2006
Mullah Strangelove: The Terminator?August 18, 2006
Missing headlines (Hezb'allah department)August 18, 2006
Screwy passenger on United Flt. 923August 17, 2006
Hold the Mayo?August 17, 2006
Israeli soldiers in picturesAugust 17, 2006
Qana, Plame and karmaAugust 17, 2006
Denver's Archbishop speaks outAugust 17, 2006
Democrats stuck on stupid with Wal-MartAugust 17, 2006
Israeli wine harvest threatenedAugust 17, 2006
Israel's parliamentary folliesAugust 17, 2006
Free the Cuban pressAugust 17, 2006
Awfulizing the Hezbo warAugust 17, 2006
What happened to 'never again'?August 16, 2006
Muslim schools via the NYT looking glassAugust 16, 2006
Trust meAugust 16, 2006
Expert in what?August 16, 2006
Publishing Hersh's claimsAugust 16, 2006
"Rogue" kidnappers in GazaAugust 16, 2006
If mediaAugust 16, 2006
The mind of Kofi AnnanAugust 15, 2006
The legend of Bobby JindalAugust 15, 2006
Conference call with Bibi NetanyahuAugust 15, 2006
The academy and the terroristsAugust 15, 2006
Gaza and Israeli civiliansAugust 15, 2006
Kelo decision impact updateAugust 15, 2006
Defending Jed BabbinAugust 15, 2006
Proportion!August 15, 2006
Further reflections on the Israel-Hezb'allah WarAugust 15, 2006
Is Hamas targeting Fox News for terror?August 15, 2006
Gaza disengagement: one year laterAugust 15, 2006
The Iranian regime hates Jews. Ho-hum.August 15, 2006
The first year of Sweetness & LightAugust 15, 2006
Appeasement? (a poem)August 14, 2006
Milestones of Shari'a (a continuing series)August 14, 2006
Regime changeAugust 14, 2006
NYT ridicules ChristiansAugust 14, 2006
Reflections on the ceasefireAugust 14, 2006
This week's new word: Keller, a noun and a verbAugust 14, 2006
How low will Hezb'allah go?August 13, 2006
The canary is chirpingAugust 13, 2006
Excellent Israeli self-critiqueAugust 13, 2006
MSM grappling with Reuters photo fraudAugust 13, 2006
NYT exec. editor clears up all ambiguity: he liesAugust 13, 2006
A Muslim seeks deep reform of his faithAugust 12, 2006
The use and abuse of statisticsAugust 12, 2006
WaPo op-ed contradicted by the factsAugust 12, 2006
Cindy Sheehan's on-camera deficit disorderAugust 12, 2006
Israel: Meet your Jimmy ClintonAugust 12, 2006
Letter to the editor and a replyAugust 12, 2006
Whose Side Are They On?August 12, 2006
How To Define The War?August 12, 2006
Leuctra againAugust 12, 2006
Defending Mr. Green HelmetAugust 12, 2006
Home-grown Muslim terrorists in the U.K.August 11, 2006
Treat Hezb'allah as a criminal enterpriseAugust 11, 2006
Cossacks for IsraelAugust 11, 2006
Israel Must WinAugust 11, 2006
Fog of the news cycleAugust 11, 2006
Bush use of "Islamic fascists" term provokes criticismAugust 11, 2006
NYT understanding of terrorist grievancesAugust 10, 2006
CBS to broadcast death threat against President BushAugust 10, 2006
Mr. Green Helmet:August 10, 2006
Tough talk from north of the borderAugust 10, 2006
Green hypocrisyAugust 10, 2006
What price Iraq reconstruction?August 10, 2006
Int'l Red Cross helping Hezb'allahAugust 10, 2006
Singling out Israel (again)August 10, 2006
Mike Wallace: Ahmadinejad "impressive" and "smart as hell"August 10, 2006
The new terror bustAugust 10, 2006
CNN's Anderson Cooper refutes AP SVP on stagingAugust 9, 2006
Clueless in SeattleAugust 9, 2006
What's missing in media photos from Lebanon?August 9, 2006
Putting the slam back in the slammerAugust 9, 2006
Speaking truth to leftist powerAugust 9, 2006
Curb Your Enthusiasm, MoonbatsAugust 9, 2006
The Hitler BibleAugust 9, 2006
Where is the Israeli narrative?August 9, 2006
Siniora op edAugust 9, 2006
Little truth and big truth at the New York TimesAugust 9, 2006
What's the matter with Connecticut?August 8, 2006
Bernard Lewis thinks MAD may not work with AhmadinejadAugust 8, 2006
General McCoy responds to the Washington PostAugust 8, 2006
Toy StoryAugust 8, 2006
Podcast on Reuters scandalAugust 8, 2006
A serious Cuba briefingAugust 8, 2006
Tom Hayden recrudescenceAugust 8, 2006
Nationalism in the Middle East as Idea and PracticeAugust 8, 2006
Claim: Hezbo command center untouched in Syrian townAugust 8, 2006
Arianna gets more money for HuffPoAugust 8, 2006
The US/French cease fire dealAugust 8, 2006
Worth a thousand words (a poem)August 8, 2006
Hiz b'allah tech sophistication growsAugust 8, 2006
Did Cokie get the memo late?August 8, 2006
Why now?August 7, 2006
Welcome to the real world, professorsAugust 7, 2006
Letter to the editorAugust 7, 2006
The Chavista child militaryAugust 7, 2006
Reuters publishes fake comments on fake deathsAugust 7, 2006
Reuters caves on all Hajj photographsAugust 7, 2006
Haifa, Karma and QanaAugust 7, 2006
A note on usageAugust 7, 2006
UNIFIL advisor on Hiz b'allahAugust 7, 2006
The vanishing Democrat talking pointAugust 7, 2006
Leftists question Bush photoAugust 7, 2006
A professional image-enhancer's view of the Reuters scandalAugust 6, 2006
Just who is "independent of reality"?August 6, 2006
Reuters scandal demands an outside investigationAugust 6, 2006
Iran's Congo ConnectionAugust 6, 2006
"Ceasefire" or "Reload"?August 6, 2006
Hijack a plane, qualify for welfare state benefitsAugust 6, 2006
Honoring a hero from IraqAugust 5, 2006
When "civilians" become "people"August 5, 2006
Islamic Dress CodesAugust 5, 2006
European papers question Qana dramticsAugust 5, 2006
Two influential Canadians switch partiesAugust 5, 2006
The missing man in the Middle EastAugust 5, 2006
Qanatized journalismAugust 5, 2006
Why we're losing...August 4, 2006
Hezbollah's Chirstian ShieldsAugust 4, 2006
The aging homeless populationAugust 4, 2006
Islam and epidemicsAugust 4, 2006
Congressional call for a coup?August 4, 2006
What really bugs Tom FriedmanAugust 4, 2006
Islamic intoleranceAugust 4, 2006
It's a shondaAugust 4, 2006
George Soros and the Shadow Democratic PartyAugust 4, 2006
Murtha's troubles deepenAugust 3, 2006
Say hello to the grand jury, SidAugust 3, 2006
Colonel Ivey's parting thoughts on IraqAugust 3, 2006
Most of us already knew this, but...August 3, 2006
Burns burnedAugust 3, 2006
Bad news/good newsAugust 3, 2006
What would Dr. King say?August 3, 2006
Encouraging signs from the University of North CarolinaAugust 3, 2006
Ned Lamont lies: it's the cover-up, stupidAugust 2, 2006
Mel and Vanessa and LeniAugust 2, 2006
Lie detector catches another oneAugust 2, 2006
Rightroots campaign launched by bloggersAugust 2, 2006
Fidel finally finished?August 2, 2006
UN official meddles in domestic politics of membersAugust 2, 2006
The French solutionAugust 2, 2006
Peace process is to peace as process cheese is to cheeseAugust 2, 2006
Just get your history straight, Mr. GibsonAugust 2, 2006
Muddled thinking from David IgnatiusAugust 2, 2006
AP bias watch: redrawing the map to legitimize HezbollahAugust 1, 2006
Undoing the damageAugust 1, 2006
Is the endgame in sight?August 1, 2006
The curious Qana body countAugust 1, 2006
The antique media: back to the futureAugust 1, 2006
Dingell the dingbatAugust 1, 2006
Israel can do nothing goodAugust 1, 2006
More PCUSA nonsenseAugust 1, 2006
Helen Thomas criticized by Bush-hater ChaitAugust 1, 2006
Twisted minds and twisted ideologiesAugust 1, 2006
Hagel likens Iraq to Vietnam, calls for Israel cease-fireAugust 1, 2006
Israeli public insists on finishing the job
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