The passions of Hollywood
It takes a lot to stun the folks in Hollywood. Marital infidelity? Nah! Very common, and in the latest oh so public instance, Brad and Angelina are supposedly bigger than ever. Sexual deviancy? How boring of middle America to think that even exists. But over the week end a major Hollywood star managed to stun the community merely by uttering bigoted statements:
A stunned Hollywood debated the future of one of its biggest stars Sunday as a sheriff's watchdog launched an investigation into a possible cover up of a leaked report that quoted Mel Gibson unleashing a tirade of anti—Semitic remarks during a drunken driving arrest.
While some think this might soon be forgotten after an oh so remorseful Gibson makes an oh so public phony display of repentance worthy of a Hollywood B script, others aren't so sure.
But reassuringly there has been little talk of diversity, of the need to honor freedom of speech; little babbling about understanding Gibson and his childhood with his admittedly bigoted father or any other of the usual pablum spouting from Hollywood liberals. Oh of course, that may be because Gibson is definitely not part of the entertainment liberal crowd.
But the most stunning aspect of this incident is that it managed to stun Hollywood. And that is stunning
Ethel C. Fenig 7 31 06