Plame puts plot against Prez on Page One


Well, James Bond girl Valerie Plame finally took off her sunglasses — the ones she wore in a vanity cover of Vanity Fair next to a frowning Joe Wilson, sitting in their real—spy sports car. All to cover her secret agent identity. Today Valeria Plame, who has resigned from the CIA, announced she will sue Vice President Cheney.

Bob Novak, who "exposed" the spy by looking up Joe Wilson's wife in Who's Who in America will no doubt be subpoenaed to appear. Today Novak reported three relevant facts:

a. He talked with Karl Rove about Plame "for about 20 seconds." Specifically, Rove said to Novak, "Oh, you heard about that, too."

b. He never thought there was an administration effort to expose the bare—naked—for—all—to—see spy girl to a drooling world. 

c. Novak also interviewed a high administration official who is very "substantive" ——— can you hear "gravitas"? ——— who is obviously Veep Cheney.

The Veep wondered about the CIA plotters

""Why would they send Joe Wilson to Niger? Why would the CIA send him there? He's not a CIA agent, he is not anybody who knows Niger that well; he served there a long time ago." <<>>>

Because, of course, Joe Wilson was a big Bush—hater from the git—go, and was chosen for that reason by the CIA cabal to "expose" ——— not Val ——— but the administration's reason to knock down Saddam.

And there, Ladies and Gentleman, we have the real question, the one the media have been hotly avoiding for two and a half years.

Why did the CIA Plot to overthrow a duly elected President of the United States??

So Plame is now suing Cheney.

This suggests  that either

1. The lady is truly deluded, and thought there was a plot to get her, when in fact she engaged in a shameless conspiracy with other CIA uppers to destroy the Bush Presidency, beginning with the 2004 election and continuing today.

2. As Lucianne Goldberg immediately suggested, she is looking for her 16th minute of fame. That is not just a self—indulgent thing for her, because publicity sells books. Val is bound to give us a tell—all story on top of her grandiose husband's best—seller. We're talkin' big bucks here. If Val doesn't get Dick Cheney she still gets a ton of media coverage.

3. Suing Dick Cheney will keep the media narrative on the front pages during the midterm elections. This might seems like a smart move to the Permanent Democrat Party in the CIA, who seem to populate the place like ugly on a pig. The persecution of Saint Val by the meanies will be part of the midterms.

But it's a big PR gamble, because the New Media will remind GOP voters of the truth: That we are seeing an ongoing CIA conspiracy against a duly elected administration in a time of war.

Remember 9/11, even if the Media Party doesn't want you to.

No doubt Cheney's  lawyers will bring out  testimony from hidden players if the case goes to trial.

We want to see those hidden folks exposed, and Ms. Plame is going to help.

Bring it on!

James Lewis   7 13 06

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