How low can the NYT go?


Our contributor Rocco DiPippo, writing at The Autonomist, notices that the New York Times has just published information very helpful to any crazies or terrorists who have an animus for Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, based on David Horowitz's blog notation of same. Rocco adds:

I issue a call to the blogosphere to begin finding and publicly listing the addresses of all New York Times reporters and editors. Posting pictures of their residences, along with details of any security measures in place to protect the properties and their owners (such as location of security cameras and on—site security details) should also be published.

Let's start with the following New York Times reporters and editors:

  • Arthur "Pinch" Sulzberger Jr.
  • Bill Keller
  • Eric Lichtblau
  • James Risen

Hard to argue with the logic here.

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