Doesn't London's mayor have more important tasks?


Leftist London Mayor Ken Livingstone has a pretty bizarre set of priorities. As mayor of one of the world's great cities, he sits in the crosshairs of the international war on terror. His situation is more precarious than most because London is infiltrated by thousands of angry Islamofascists walking the streets of the vast city as unassimilated immigrants.

Livingstone's city hosts more Muslims who see a conflict between being devout Muslims and living in a modern society than even poor capitals like Jakarta, according to a recent survey. There is little doubt that some of these denizens of London are plotting and a terror strike is only a matter of when, not if. 

London already has been a target and a victim of Islamofascist terrrorists in the past two years.

But Livingstone has little interest in this reality. Unlike, say the great former mayor of New York City, Rudolph Giuliani, who took the daunting job of running a terror—targeted city with utmost seriousness, Livingstone's got some extremely strange other priorities.

Like assuming the job of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez's chief propagandist in London. He took this preposterous, trivial — and let's face it, no—win job as "president" of the Venezuela Information Centre this week, according to chavista shills at a Web site called VHeadline.  It's an unseemly move for a mayor of London to assume such a low—rent activist's task on behalf of a foreign Marxist regime that is growing increasingly erratic on the world stage.

This past month, Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez announced he will visit North Korea, Iran  and Belarus to advance peace and friendship goals. In reality, he's working on an anti—civilization alliance of the world's worst tyrants, seeking to create an axis of the super—evil. If that sounds like an exaggeration, take a look at who else is in it: odious Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, jurassic Fidel Castro of Cuba, expropriating Evo Morales of Bolivia, and nuclear madman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran.

Chavez has alienated much of the rest of the world, including Latin America, the OPEC nations, and all of western Europe. Now he has only these mostly impoverished fringe tyrants as his ragtag alliance.

But he's also got one willing lackey in one of the world's great capitals, London, who promises to work as Chavez's propaganda mouthpiece in addition to his regular, and supposedly less important duties as mere mayor of one of the world's great capitals. 

It doesn't look good. Taking a tie—dye t—shirted activist's job is deeply beneath the august office of the mayor of London.

What could account for this?

A.M. Mora y Leon 07 01 06


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