Captured docs expose Saddam and Blix


So little attention is being paid to the now translated captured Iraqi documents, it's a pity. For the reveal a great deal that flies in the face of conventional (media generated) opinion about Saddam's connections to terrorism and his WMD program. Captain Ed has been running a series of them. Today's shows that

So here we have confirmation that Iraq continued to work on WMD, and that the new UNMOVIC inspections verified that. We had previously heard from the mainstream media that UNMOVIC only found that the Iraqis still refused to cooperate fully with the inspections, but this puts a little different light on the situation as the UN found it as they debated how to deal with Iraq.
 Even with Saddam actively pursuing WMD, as it turns out, they refused to take any action except to propose extended inspections.

Another point seems rather interesting here. The third paragraph seems to match up pretty well with the CIA/DIA description of the mobile laboratories discovered shortly after the invasion of Iraq(snip)

Once again, it looks like Saddam's own documentation makes it clear that he had never stopped working on WMD programs. This time, it also shows that UNMOVIC and the UNSC knew it.
(snip) Hans Blix never mentioned ricin or castor beans in his UN presentation on March 7, 2003. In fact, it never even mentions the word "violation" once.

Clarice Feldman   7 8 06

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