Be careful what you ask for


An unscientific poll of posters at a Democratic Underground discussion board yields a result that maybe isn't so surprising: 72% of those responding say they are "dealing with severe mental illness in their home." Based on the URL, this appears to be genuine, not a spoof.

Whether DU posters are reporting on themselves or close relatives remains an open question.

Of course, Sheldon Drobny of Air America probably thinks that Karl Rove is the sinister force behind Democratic Underground.

Hat tip: Larwyn

Thomas Lifson   7 27 06

Rosslyn Smith adds:

Why was I not at all surprised at this?  
Whenever I visit my hometown, St. Paul, Minnesota, I always smile when I drive through the heart of that city's affluent urban liberal neighborhood, Grand Avenue, where many of the cars still support Wellstone and Kerry bumper stickers. There among the glitzy boutiques, nestled between Smith & Hawkins, Restoration Hardware and Caribou Coffee, looking ever so much like a drive—through bank and sporting a neon sign announcing All Things Recovery, proudly stands the Hazelden Connection, a bookstore and gathering spot for the areas many people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. According to the press release issued by the Hazelden Foundation when their satellite facility opened, this location is in "the heart of St. Paul's large recovery community."
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